A Petition

Day 1,174, 03:51 Published in Egypt Egypt by Franz Kafka

We have had the most successful birth of a new nation out of the three Arab countries that joined eRepublic this month.

And I think we can put that down to strong, but inclusive leadership by Heboo, and the responsible ATO support we received from Antjerci and other Croats.

Now I can say that we have been both lucky, and benefited from skillful negotiation. Even the most benevolent ATO operation must surely feel the temptation to take a slice of our gold reserves, or to skew our country's foreign policy wildly in the favour of their home country. But we have seen none of this behaviour from our Croat friends. In converse, we've seen many play good advisory roles, helping the government of our new country to get going. Sharing their experience and advice on how to build a new state, and writing many informative articles in our media. Without out Croat friends, eEgyptian society would not be nearly as interesting, varied, and satisfying - particularly in the early days of a small RL population.

This leads me into my fear. Now that Croatia has successfully completed their ATO operation, I fear that they may begin to decide that their job is done, that it is time time leave our country and start new ATO work elsewhere.

I really hope they do not leave so soon. We are too young to lose all this expertise, high work skill/productivity, numbers of companies, important thinkers. So I am writing this article of my own initiative, not on behalf of government, to let our Croat friends know how much I appreciate the support they have given to our new nation. And if other citizens would also like to show their appreciation and share my hope that the Croats stay, please also sign your comments below.

Franz Kafka
Congressman, Arab Liberal Party, Red Sea Coast, Egypt.