محیط آن/آف

My take on the new world order

7 دن 1,133, 13:48 Published in Romania Romania

Drank some beers, let's write an article.

This game got boring. And extremely repetitive. I think there were points were I was top 20%, maybe even top 10% activity. Now I log in 1-2 times a day, do my few clicks, and go. There is simply … مزید پڑھیں »

I just bought gold ...

14 دن 1,129, 12:38 Published in Romania Romania

... in a different game, for 15 euros.

Following Romanian parties don't have enough candidates in the Banat region for the congress elections:

That is all for today.

I wish everybody a happy Christmas! Enjoy it with your family,

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35 دن 1,100, 10:47 Published in Romania Romania

(articolul nr. 5374 despre congress pe ziua de azi)

Ok, scurt si la obiect: dupa cum matzele v-au informat deja cu reclama cu tot, maine pornesc la alegerile pentru congress, pe lista Partidului Liberal, in regiunea Banat. Nu fac TO, nu sunt in

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Dude, where's my Volga?

22 دن 1,092, 08:45 Published in Romania Romania

Not the best trolling, but it should do (:

(as always, thanks to hoderaz for making this article possible) … مزید پڑھیں »

I for one welcome our EDEN overlords

8 دن 1,071, 09:17 Published in Romania Romania

(first, let me congratulate however decided to let me change the location of my newspaper, but not be able to post in other countries then the one i am the citizen of; that is so much more logical then me not being able to move the newspaper around

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