I for one welcome our EDEN overlords

Day 1,071, 09:17 Published in Romania Hungary by clawy

(first, let me congratulate however decided to let me change the location of my newspaper, but not be able to post in other countries then the one i am the citizen of; that is so much more logical then me not being able to move the newspaper around at all)

Now back to the subject: so after a couple of weeks under the new MPP rules, where EDEN had the more high regions, more RL money and more active players on their side, they finally decided to lunch the attacks that could be decisive for their final victory. What makes me wonder is who's interest it was for selected Phoenix countries to stay on the map on the 25th. Because let's be real, EDEN could have won this mock war in 2-3 days, depending on how long it would have taken to reach the last region (and no alpho, money was not the problem).
This is going to be an interesting month.