My take on the new world order

Day 1,133, 13:48 Published in Romania Hungary by clawy

Drank some beers, let's write an article.

This game got boring. And extremely repetitive. I think there were points were I was top 20%, maybe even top 10% activity. Now I log in 1-2 times a day, do my few clicks, and go. There is simply nothing keeping me here more.

The reason? Simple. How many times can you do the same thing in a game before it gets old? So Romania will conquer Hungary, Serbia will conquer Croatia, Poland will conquer Germany, maybe France. Who cares? They will be RWd back, and then we can start from the very beginning.Again and again and again.

People tried to change this in the past. There was the big 6 alliance idea, there was the independent broalliance attempt. All failed, because simple people hate each other (both for RL and in-game reasons), countries are so afraid of losing their pixels that they will crawl up to one of the big 2 alliance to save themselves. And the big guys actually running this game from the background don't like each other. (yep, the ruling class exists here, anybody to deny this is blind)

Well, if some of those big guys (and girls) decided it is enough with this boring bipolar world, I can only welcome there decision. Bring the new world order as soon as possible! I want to play a game already, not live in some weak mirror image of the real world.