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keeps tracks of events in erepublik

Napali Slavoniju

5 دن 1,020, 19:39 Published in Serbia Serbia

Evo i linka da ne tražite, branimo se, možda bude još neki napad...


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Happy hunting tonight, North Korea

3 دن 1,018, 14:54 Published in North Korea North Korea

Hello all!!!

This is my second article in North Korea, first was been well accepted. I want to thank you again on that.

Lets get to the point.
we are fighted so many times, sometimes for North Korea, sometimes for China, and I know, you are

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Još mi i screenshot traži... O Bože

14 دن 1,018, 08:38 Published in Serbia Serbia

Lord Oli
Posted On: 03 Sep 2010 12:30 AM
Battle always shows connection timed out http://www.erepublik.com/en/battlefield/535

Mihai D.
Posted On: 03 Sep 2010 12:33 AM

I tried reproducing the issue one minute ago and it did

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Dobio sam odgovor za Connection timed out!!!

24 دن 1,017, 15:58 Published in Serbia Serbia

Mihai D.

Posted On: 03 Sep 2010 12:33 AM

I tried reproducing the issue one minute ago and it did not occur to me.

Please try entering the battle from another browser; I verified it in Google Chrome.

Best Regards,

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Lionking osiguran, EDEN u panici

8 دن 1,016, 06:53 Published in Serbia Serbia

Kao što smo videl ovih dana, pobeđivali smo mnogo važnih bitaka, neke nebitne smo prepustili, jer ipak imamo i mi neka ograničenja, a najviše u goldu, koji teškom mukom zarađujemo, za razliku od nekih..

Prvo su Poljaci došli u Mongoliju, sa ž

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