Happy hunting tonight, North Korea

Day 1,018, 14:54 Published in North Korea Norway by Lord Oli

Hello all!!!

This is my second article in North Korea, first was been well accepted. I want to thank you again on that.

Lets get to the point.
we are fighted so many times, sometimes for North Korea, sometimes for China, and I know, you are the best warriors in erepublik. Im telling that, becouse I see a war http://www.erepublik.com/en/wars/show/2686 Im now a little busy in Venecuela, but I hope I will come to help you letter.

Keep fighting, for North Korea, for glory, for BH Medal, for military points
They are now going to sleep, lets suprise them tonight while they are sleepeng

Good luck to all, tommorow we will see who is best hunter