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Day 1,018, 08:38 Published in Serbia Norway by Lord Oli

Lord Oli
Posted On: 03 Sep 2010 12:30 AM
Battle always shows connection timed out

Mihai D.
Posted On: 03 Sep 2010 12:33 AM

I tried reproducing the issue one minute ago and it did not occur to me.

Please try entering the battle from another browser; I verified it in Google Chrome.

Best Regards,
The eRepublik Team

Lord Oli
Posted On: 03 Sep 2010 2:00 AM
I use Firefox, and IE dosnt work well

Alice B.
Posted On: 03 Sep 2010 1😇2 AM
Hello ,

Thank you for your report!
We appreciate your help and will check this issue.

The eRepublik Team

Lord Oli
Posted On: 03 Sep 2010 5:27 PM
Status: Closed?
What going on on this issue? can I play on batterfield now? Did you checked it? Google Chrome dosn work too

Alice B.

Posted On: 03 Sep 2010 6:11 PM

We kindly ask you to provide us with more detailed information or send us an screen shot.

The eRepublik team

Lord Oli
Posted On: 03 Sep 2010 6:22 PM
I dont have a time to do your job

Alice B.

Posted On: 03 Sep 2010 6:38 PM
Hello ,

Thank you for your report!
We have checked this issue and found nothing wrong.Have you tried to clear the cache of your browser or to refresh the page with CTRL + F5?

The eRepublik Team

Ticket I😨 BDY-149086