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[King] Establishment of a New Order!

16 Day 3,388 ,17:51 刊登在 Ireland Ireland 政論剖析 政論剖析

My subjects:

I am most pleased to announce the establishment of eIreland as a monarchy with myself, King Trito 更多 »

[CP] Many Thanks! (Update: Two Incoming AS)

21 Day 3,386 ,14:43 刊登在 Ireland Ireland 戰略分析 戰略分析

Citizens of the Republic,

We may not have landed our Airstrike against the "mighty" Serbia, but we have showed our heart as true allies. In their time of need, we helped our South … 更多 »

[CP] Airstrike!

13 Day 3,383 ,18:14 刊登在 Ireland Ireland 戰略分析 戰略分析

Citizens of the Republic,

I told you in my last article that eIreland would take action against Serbia due to their undue aggression against our allies in South America, Chile and … 更多 »

[CP] Allies in Need, Subsidies

32 Day 3,382 ,16:40 刊登在 Ireland Ireland 戰略分析 戰略分析

Citizens of the Republic,

The eIrish government will be subsidizing Market Licenses!
The price of a market license is 20 gold, and the eIrish state will cover half of the cost … 更多 »

[CP] Dictatorship, Subsidies, TW

42 Day 3,379 ,12:03 刊登在 Ireland Ireland 政論剖析 政論剖析

Citizens of the Republic,

I'm pleased to announce that Sluagh has given me the dictatorship. I will hold it for the duration of my term and then give it to the newly elected CP in … 更多 »