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[Trito4CP] Short Article to Announce Team!

14 Day 3,364 ,15:38 刊登在 Ireland Ireland 政論剖析 政論剖析

My Team:

Button Pusher: Sluagh
VP: Irishbhoy
MoFA: LittleFishy
MoD and Commander of the Irish Army: ReleasetheKrakken
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[Trito4CP] Focus on the Home Front

31 Day 3,358 ,12:57 刊登在 Ireland Ireland 政論剖析 政論剖析

In this article, I am announcing my intention to run for Country President in the upcoming Presidential Election. In this article, I also hope to point out my … 更多 »

[Dublin Commune] Sign-Ups for February!

38 Day 3,334 ,14:43 刊登在 Ireland Ireland 社交娛樂 社交娛樂

Citizens of the Republic,

In eIreland we do not operate a congress but instead operate the Dublin Commune which is an open … 更多 »

[VP] Working Together

18 Day 3,308 ,15:39 刊登在 Ireland Ireland 社交娛樂 社交娛樂

Citizens of the Republic,

I am pleased to write my first article of the month of our president's term. As Vice President, my main … 更多 »

[EA] Krakken For CP

12 Day 3,271 ,17:48 刊登在 Ireland Ireland 政論剖析 政論剖析

Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears!
It's time for some change! Krakken is running for CP, and we at Eire Aonair hope that he'll finally win! Last time he ran, which … 更多 »