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[Trito4CP] Foreign Affairs

28 Day 3,664 ,15:29 刊登在 Ireland Ireland 政論剖析 政論剖析

Citizens of the Republic,
In this article, I will discuss my plans for eIreland's foreign policy during my term and beyond.

A first priority, as I'm sure you could … 更多 »

[Trito4CP] eIreland and Immigration

8 Day 3,662 ,08:31 刊登在 Ireland Ireland 政論剖析 政論剖析

Citizens of the Republic,
In my previous article, I simply stated facts. I made no speculations, I made no accusations, yet I was hounded and attacked. Simply for stating … 更多 »

[Trito4CP] Let's Make eIreland Free Again!

35 Day 3,661 ,14:23 刊登在 Ireland Ireland 政論剖析 政論剖析

Citizens of the Republic,

I am going to begin this article by listing some facts and showing some images, which, I believe, are important for every eIrish citizen to see. I am … 更多 »

[Trito4CP] Transparency and Progress

7 Day 3,660 ,19:22 刊登在 Ireland Ireland 政論剖析 政論剖析

Citizens of the Republic,
I'd like to begin by listing (and to refresh your memory!) some goals for my term, should I be electe😛
1. Reintroduce the
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[Trito4CP] Let's Make eIreland Work Again!

46 Day 3,659 ,18:26 刊登在 Ireland Ireland 政論剖析 政論剖析

Citizens of the Republic,
I am pleased to announce my candidature for the position of President of eIreland. If successful in my election campaign, it will be my third … 更多 »