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Semi-Concession Speech

16 Day 3,700 ,16:21 刊登在 Ireland Ireland 政論剖析 政論剖析

Citizens of eIreland,

In this article, I will be offering a semi-concession speech. I name it so, because at this time, … 更多 »

[Trito4CP] Andes Alliance and eIreland

60 Day 3,699 ,14:01 刊登在 Ireland Ireland 戰略分析 戰略分析

Citizens of the Republic,

In this article I am amending one of my campaign goals, which was to attempt to join the Pacifica alliance.

In recent days, I have become … 更多 »

[Trito4CP] The Case for a National MU

14 Day 3,698 ,06:24 刊登在 Ireland Ireland 政論剖析 政論剖析

Citizens of the Republic,

In this article, I will explicate why I think our nation needs a national MU.

1. Strength through Unity
A national MU would unify … 更多 »

[Trito4CP] A New Beginning

20 Day 3,693 ,14:46 刊登在 Ireland Ireland 政論剖析 政論剖析

Citizens of the Republic,

THIS article is intended to restart my campaign for Presidency, for the election we have January 5th, 2018, the first election of the new year. … 更多 »

A Pictorial Journey Through the World's Current Wars

17 Day 3,685 ,16:18 刊登在 Ireland Ireland 戰略分析 戰略分析

In this article, I will attempt to understand all of the current wars (training wars, RW's, resetting determination, and those rare ones... real wars 🙂 ) going on right now. We shall investigate basically continent by continent, and if any of

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