{Omega Eireann} Update and CP Elections - EDITED

Day 3,422, 19:51 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by Rusty D

Greeting eIreland,

This article will just be a brief update on the happenings of one of eIrelands political parties, Omega Eireann. Today we will touch on the recent congress elections and return to democratic rule, upcoming CP elections, Omega Eireann's sponsorship of international competitions, as well as the new Omega Eireann's grant scheme.

Congress Updates

Recently eIreland held it's congressional elections, which only could take place after a Omega Eireann congress member manged to obtain a region for congress elections. While the freeing of the region was fought against by the Dictator and current CP (to the point of setting COs against Ireland and it's freedom) out of fear his iron grip would be lost, the Irish population fought strongly and was able to have free democratic elections for this term.

In the recent congress elections, Omega Eireann managed to secure 2 of the 10 seats available to the citizens of eIreland. This equals 2x Law proposal's, 1x CS pass and the ability to vote on any laws proposed, for each member. While as a party, we like to keep a set agenda, Omega Eireann allows for the democratic freedom of their party members to propose laws that they see fit/feel is correct.

This was recently seen by our member Machiavelli who used her congressional rights to vote an impeachment law against the current CP. While this law was not previously discussed, Omega Eireann is a free democratic party and supports Machiavelli in proposing this law. Which turned out to be well supported by the elected 10 congress members who voted 7 to 3 for it to pass. But taking into account the CP's voted, this law didnt gather the required 66% to pass, by only achieving 63%, which still highlights the dis-satisfaction of the current CPs term.

I would like to take this time, for all of Omega Eireann's members to use our message thread or shout box, if you would like to suggest a law to be proposed or have questions about what is happening in congress. After all, we are elected by the people to serve the people.

Upcoming CP Elections

In just over 24hrs, eIreland will be voting in their next CP. The incoming CP will have a tough job, as we have seen eIreland take steps back internally and on the international scene. And with the advent of democratic reform, they will need to explain reasoning behind the laws they propose, like why are they moving money out of the treasury, proposing unusual laws or ASing countries. Rest assured, no matter who wins Omega Eireann will not be afraid to ask the hard questions.

There are 3 candidates running currently:

Machiavelli endorsed by Omega Eireann and supported by Irish Revolutionary Force

moomoohead endorsed by Irish Freedom Party

SIAVASH99 endorsed by socialist party of ireland

While none of these candidates has publicly done an article to explain what they will do if they win, two of them have spoken about it in the congress threads. While I am not 100% sure if they would let me 'cut and paste' it here, I do strongly suggest they ALL inform the voting public about their plans and who they will have in their cabinet. Since it is not congress who will vote for them, but the public of eIreland.

I also know from reading their CP election statements in the threads, some things they said might sway voters opinions, either to them or away from them.

One thing you can be sure of, no matter who wins, Omega Eireann will be asking for the incoming CP and government officials for a full aduit of the current administrations use of funds. This is due to the many mixed messages issued by the current CP and where/what he did with the country and its peoples money.

EDIT: As you might see in the comments section below, Machiavelli has given permission for a ss of her comment in the threads. She will be releasing an article later today.

Now since this is referring to another message (which I am yet to get confirmation on for release), I will have to explain it for you. "same goal this term" - ref. Will try and free the country as their main goal.

EDIT @04.07: Moomoo has now given me permission to allow a ss of his/her comments in regards to his/her upcoming term (Sorry, but I dont want to upset Releasethe Tears incase I say your gender wrong).

Omega Eireann around the world

Recently long time player Sisik ran a competition which was open to all players in eRep. Omega Eireann saw this as an opportunity to advertise eIreland by helping to sponsor the event. Joining forces with Window Lickers INC an Irish MU as well as an Irish based newspaper and congress member, they manage to sponsor the event to the sum of 200k cc, 2k of Q7 weaps and 80k of Energy. These groups saw this as a way to highlight eIrelands commitment to community events while drawing attention to Ireland it self.

Omega Eireann will like to continue this theme, so if any readers out there has an idea for a competition, please get in contact with us, and we will see about helping sponsor your event. Because the aim is all about highlighting Ireland and this is one of the many ways we can achieve that.

Omega Eireann Grant Scheme

Omega Eireann would like to announce today a planned granted scheme open to all of it's members. This grant scheme will see money being issued to members to help them build their training grounds, improve their businesses, help start them on their first home buyers purchases as well as many other things.

This program has been allocated 200k cc from private funds for it's start up. Of which 150k cc will be made available to Omega Eireann party members and 50k cc will be made available to the rest of eIreland. While terms and conditions do apply (we wont be issuing money so you can buy a new boat for your holiday home in the Maldives), Omega Eireann strongly suggests anyone interested to PM me.

Omega Eireann, for the betterment of Ireland