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Official Newspaper used by the Minister of Defense.

[ORDERS] Fight Green in Jeju!

8 Gün 867, 14:15 Japan'de yayınlandı Japan

Citizens of Japan, we have been blessed today with a replacement for the Training Wars we are currently missing. Citizen Damepu, 2xCongressman and Presidential candidate, he of 33 wellness, has made what may be his last action in eRepublik and begun

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IJAF Expansion Complete - New Squad Metrics - Puzzle #6

14 Gün 861, 17:40 Japan'de yayınlandı Japan

Once again we have come to the bi-monthly update of the JIF Roster. All changes can be viewed from the link on the JIF forums on A big change is the completion of our planned expansion of the IJAF. This month we have been

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[ORDERS] Hold Fights till last login

13 Gün 853, 20:08 Japan'de yayınlandı Japan

Indonesia has returned to the warpath, attacking Mindanao, Malaysia. This region belongs to the Philippines but due to their role as aggressor in the Sol TW, they cannot safeguard against Indonesian attack. Malaysia is holding their region to

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The Imperial Japanese Air Force Rises

20 Gün 846, 20:26 Japan'de yayınlandı Japan

With our operations in Australia behind us I turned my attention to the roster update I have been holding on the 15th and 30th of the month. This time I made a goal to get our most active and responsive soldiers to form the core of our elite branch,

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[ORDERS] Return to Japan

22 Gün 845, 15:55 Japan'de yayınlandı Japan

A week ago we started an offensive campaign in Japan, something that has not been organized and run in over a year. I am proud of the attention and responsiveness that this war has shown and will work to apply the lessons we have learned to the

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