[ORDERS] Return to Japan

Day 845, 15:55 Published in Japan Japan by Japanese Imperial Army

A week ago we started an offensive campaign in Japan, something that has not been organized and run in over a year. I am proud of the attention and responsiveness that this war has shown and will work to apply the lessons we have learned to the future of the JIF.

However, it has become clear by now that the war cannot be continued in it's current state. Brazil is experiencing a baby boom, and although many Asian nations have sent troops and various militias have shown up, EDEN is not willing to commit to South Africa's restoration right now. As well, our two attacks and victories in KwaZulu Natal were overturned thanks to poor tactical planning by the Australian government.

It's a long ride back to Japan.

Thus, it is with a heavy heart that I announce that the President and I have decided to end Japanese involvement for now. The wars with Australia and Brazil/Argentina will remain open and by the grace of the Emperor may one day see battle again. I commend the collective Asian nations for banding together in purpose once more to oppose Phoenix's designs on our continent and pray for victory in the future.

A reminder: Tomorrow will be roster updates. Several JIF soldiers did not attend ANY of the calls to move to Australia and will be removed from the JIF for non-performance of duties. Franz Sigel has also chosen to retire from the JIF honorably to help train the German Military in the next few months. We salute his service.

Nippon Banzai!