IJAF Expansion Complete - New Squad Metrics - Puzzle #6

Day 861, 17:40 Published in Japan Japan by Japanese Imperial Army

Once again we have come to the bi-monthly update of the JIF Roster. All changes can be viewed from the link on the JIF forums on nipponblog.net. A big change is the completion of our planned expansion of the IJAF. This month we have been concentrating on expanding the Air Force to serve as an elite, highly integrated team for v2 and with the creation of IJAF Ryusei Kogekitai ( IJAF 流星 攻撃隊), or Meteor Attack Unit, we have the tools needed to fill out a force of 24 high ranking soldiers. Already we have filled two squadrons exclusively with Field Marshals with several others sprinkled throughout the rest of the JIF. Japan's strength is increasing every month!

Bringing death from above!

But we will not rest with just assigning people to the IJAF. For a long time the JIF has suffered from a lack of activity. At times it seems like I am the only one writing articles about our brave soldiers and their quest for glory in the Emperor's name. But most importantly, any great eRepublik army is defined by the effectiveness of their communication. So we have updated the roster with two new tools to track how well our soldiers are fulfilling their duties.

First, we will be tracking how often JIF soldiers are seen on IRC. Right now IRC attendance is only a requirement for the IJAF, but attendance for other branches is heavily encouraged, and plays a big role in promotions. Just hop into #eJapan.mil on irc.rizon.net on occasion. We have plenty of people online at any time and are always willing to talk, discuss, and help out.

Secondly, with the changes to hospital function it is more important than ever for all soldiers to keep their wellness up. Starting your fights at 90+ can make a huge difference compared to 80 or 70. Thus, we will be tracking every day who has wellness below 85 and eventually 90. As part of your duties to Japan, high wellness is a requirement, so go out there, buy good food, gifts, and houses.

Chusa Vinen regales #eJapan.mil with his karaoke

Lastly, I want to promise everyone in the JIF an exciting month ahead. As some of you may know a momentous occasion has occurred today, and when the President briefs the nation tomorrow, I am sure that the JIF will be ready to carry out the will of Japan and the Emperor.


Hey, almost there! This is the last real puzzle before you can begin deciphering the final message. I would rate this one as challenging, but not too bad.

Again, you can send Vai Siv a message noting your progress and you may be noted in an upcoming news article.


You might want to learn about Bacarba first. You can read about it here: Bacarba

For this challenge, ignore the colors until you’ve solved the puzzle. Afterwards, answer the questions at the end to receive your code.

PDF Document:

MS Word Document :
(Google Documents will not display most puzzles accurately in this format, please download and open in MS Word if you choose this method.)

Have fun!
-Vai Siv