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The Book of Plug

31 Day 688, 00:59 Published in Canada Canada

Headline Image: The Book of Urizen

“Here alone [Urizen] in books form’d of metals
Have written the secrets of wisdom
The secrets of dark contemplation
By fightings and conflicts dire.”

--William Blake, The Book of Urizen[/
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SPABAs: Saints&Sinners&This Week's Winners

10 Day 685, 18:28 Published in Canada Canada

Headline Image: William Blake’s “America a Prophecy
On my American plains I feel the struggling afflictions
Endur'd by roots that writhe their arms into the nether deep:
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Son of SPABA – The Second Coming

15 Day 677, 13:52 Published in Canada Canada

Title Image: Jacob's Ladder by William Blake "Serpentis Quod Scalarum"

i) Festivus Revisited
ii) Triple-Barrelled Justice
iii) The Guild Reconvenes
iv) SPABAs Reborn – Leaner, … read more »

Storytime with Fidelia: "Billy Goat GC and the Zoli Troll"

8 Day 667, 21:47 Published in Canada Canada

Hello again dear children of eCanada,

It is time again for Fidelia's Storytime Classics, as selected from The Baldwin Project, brining online stories to children. Today's … read more »

I Will Be Stronger - Festivus Anthem & Feats of Strength

5 Day 651, 23:20 Published in Canada Canada

The past week for eCanada has been one of glory, one of great feats of strength and struggle by eCandians and our allies. Six days ago we freed Quebec; yesterday, we returned Ontario. Soon, we push onwards to Nunavut, Northwest Territories, the

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