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A newspaper to help citizens in eUSA to help bring change. "Never Doubt That A Small Group Of Thoughtful Committed Citizens Can Change The World." — President Bartlet.

[Q America] That's all I got to say about that

3 Day 3,767, 12:16 Published in USA USA Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

That's all I got to say about that

I don't have a lot to say about the Gnilraps Administration. However I will say this that he was like the second coming of the almighty one. He came in and saved us all. Whatever sins you … read more »

[Q America] Q-less Lost During CP Election Time

4 Day 3,756, 11:22 Published in USA USA Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Q-less Lost During CP Election Time

I'm literally torn who I am going to support in the upcoming Country President election. Many choices but two intriguing men Gnilraps and Centomax. Whatever I will … read more »

[Q America] Let's talk about defending our core regions

2 Day 3,749, 13:47 Published in USA USA Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Let's talk about defending our core regions

I have searching around on eUSA forums and looking through recent articles which I have yet to … read more »

[Q America] The King James88/Schubacca Congressional Record

5 Day 3,746, 10:39 Published in USA USA Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

The King James88/Schubacca Congressional Record

Authorized by yours truly King James88 hereby … read more »

[Q America] Let's Make eCongress Paradise Again

36 Day 3,745, 09:45 Published in USA USA Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Let's Make eCongress Paradise Again

For too long as far as I can remember when joining and still is the truth our congress has been in the majority hands. For the first time the Socialist Freedom Party are making their … read more »