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A newspaper to help citizens in eUSA to help bring change. "Never Doubt That A Small Group Of Thoughtful Committed Citizens Can Change The World." — President Bartlet.

[Q America] The War: SFP Edition Part 2

4 Day 3,807, 07:00 Published in USA USA Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

The War: The SFP Editon
A Documentary by King James88

“There is a saying : when you try sitting on 2 chairs , you will end up falling between both and the worse thing is trying to sit on 2 chairs and then read more »

[Q America] The War: SFP Edition Part 1

8 Day 3,805, 07:31 Published in USA USA Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

The War: The SFP Editon Part 1
A Documentary by King James88

A man sits by the lake and stares straight in
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[Q America] Meat's Back On The Menu

4 Day 3,794, 12:22 Published in USA USA Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

The Department of eUSA Defense has said Sweden, Poland and Lativia is coming to help. Nothing like perfect timing when we were not far long to be taken over by the evil … read more »

[Q America] Special Announcement

5 Day 3,789, 09:53 Published in USA USA Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

King James88 to run for Socialist Freedom Party President

The SFP has long been a party standing for revolutionary ideals. Together
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[Q America] The Real Reason Why We Went To War Against Japan

5 Day 3,775, 09:36 Published in USA USA Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

The Real Reason Why We Went To War Against Japan

A lot of you are probably wondering why the real reason why we are at war with Japan. It's pretty obvious to know the reason why. This is the reason....Donald Trump!
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