[Q America] Let's talk about defending our core regions

Day 3,749, 13:47 Published in USA USA by King James88
Let's talk about defending our core regions

I have searching around on eUSA forums and looking through recent articles which I have yet to find any talk about ideas to how defend our core regions. Of course since returning with a new game account perhaps somebody has. Even still this is a subject worth talking about.

When I did have my Schubacca account before my new account here I fondly remember of USAF becoming privatized and no longer getting federal help. Back then I was for this but I had reservations about it. According to Franklin Stone Article Mega http://eusaforums.com/forum/index.php/topic,32600.msg726905.html#msg726905 from February 4, 2016 at the time that 3 MUs that are private not receiving funds for two years and delivering more damage. The number one hailed MU at the time of his article was written is Easy Company. The point here yes to extent privatization of MUs has worked. However noted there was the question of Ultramarines which is private MU receiving government funds through the DOD.

Looking at this totally defeats purpose when the USAF MU was privatized. Looking to the present I haven't looked up much research to what is going in the present regarding MUs. This is a question that is been on my mind for last 24 hours. If this is still happening perhaps its time eUSA government funds an MU designated to role of defending our core regions or at least several MUs. Whether that government funded MUs can be effective is another question considering that private MUs as noted earlier proves that they can deliver bigger damage.

As far as ideas go I don't have much of any honestly. I am considering running a new MU myself just for the purpose of help defending our core region. But with other MUs that exist and that have a more proven record of delivering we need to look to those MUs. EUSA needs to get back defending core regions because our homeland is more vital to the security of our nation. EUSA can't always be liberators.

Let's look at options for expansion to add resource regions. I am for a strong ties with Poland when it comes what happened with Croatia recently. Like Iran conquering Mexico I am curious about the Middle East. I am not by no means a chef or wizard with a magic wand or have the secret ingredient to figure out how do we defend core regions adequately. The point overall of my article is I like eUSA to have a discussion on this. Whether it's time we return to our roots of when things used to be should be revisited as I feel this worthy.

America we need do more about defending our core regions as the defense of our homeland is important...let's have that talk! Hope to write more articles on this subject in the future as I continue to research and come up with some ideas when I have them.