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Story Time!

32 Day 922, 20:00 Published in USA USA

I grew up a military brat, and spent 7 years living in Japan. Besides the fact that Japan is pretty much awesome, I learned a lot. One lesson I remember vividly is the result of the speech we would get in high school before every off base field

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Current events and a VP Pick.

37 Day 920, 22:36 Published in USA USA

The recent situation with the Indian people choosing to request Karnataka back has everyone on split hairs at the moment. Its a very stressful situation, with thousands of Americans to possibly be moved, and our economy to soon undertake massive

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A Journey Ends, Another Begins

47 Day 919, 00:48 Published in USA USA

When I originally wrote this article, it was on the presumption that we had won the battle for LionKing. I was going to discuss some of the great things we had accomplished and what great deeds were still left to be done. Even if LionKing were to

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You Know What Makes Victory Taste Even Sweeter?

44 Day 917, 19:27 Published in USA USA


It hurts losing important battles, it does. But theres a difference between disappointment and discouragement. America, be disappointed. We lost a big fight. Do not be discouraged. There is a bright future ahead of us.

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49 Day 916, 18:45 Published in USA USA

A few months back, Jewitt began a journey. He had a vision to launch the eUS into Asia and use the might of the American populace to remove the imperialist phoenix powers from Asian countries lands.

We've had setbacks. We've had victories. We'

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