Story Time!

Day 922, 20:00 Published in USA USA by Chocolate McSkittles

I grew up a military brat, and spent 7 years living in Japan. Besides the fact that Japan is pretty much awesome, I learned a lot. One lesson I remember vividly is the result of the speech we would get in high school before every off base field trip. It went something like:

"Remember that as far as you should be concerned, you are an ambassador to the local people. You are what they will think of when they think of America, so conduct yourself well and make your country proud"

I bring this little story up for a reason. Have you ever wanted to conduct foreign affairs?

Well, I have good news for you...You do it every single day!

You see, something that most players in the game don't realize is just how much an effect their actions can have on the worlds perspective of America and the effectiveness of Americas abilities to conduct foreign policies. While it may not seem obvious, your comments and actions within the media and elsewhere reflect directly on our entire nation.

You might not see this logo on the way to work, but its on your sleeve

This is especially true in eRepublik. Within our little world, the gap between countries is smaller than ever, and even the greenest of players can have their opinion read by anyone. To an outside observer, your comment is that of America.

I bring this up due to the recent events relating to negotiations with Karnataka. Last time I wrote, I discussed the importance of maintaining mutual respect between our nations, as our relationship with India is not based on Karnataka. We are friends.

Unfortunately, many people got swept up in the moment and spoke very harsh words about our friends in India. Instead of talking about how to mend the situations, they lashed out in anger and spoke harsh words and suggested violent action as a result of India's decision to simply engage in negotiations regarding Karnataka.

Whats so unfortunate about the situation is that many of our Indian friends came to American media or forums and saw these. They might have concluded that this was the popular mindset in America. They might have thought that our relationship with India is based entirely off of some region and the materialistic value of a region they hold. Even though none of these statements are true, this is what they may have seen.

This scenario has happened time and time again. America...we love a good angry crowd. We get riled up and love our country. However, we must recognize that all of our actions reflect on our nation, and our lashing out against a friend in the heat of the moment is effectively the same thing as America lashing out against a friend.

So remember America, you may not have a title, but every time you log on eRepublik you are an ambassador of this great nation
