You Know What Makes Victory Taste Even Sweeter?

Day 917, 19:27 Published in USA USA by Chocolate McSkittles


It hurts losing important battles, it does. But theres a difference between disappointment and discouragement. America, be disappointed. We lost a big fight. Do not be discouraged. There is a bright future ahead of us. Losing this attempt at LionKing does not mean anything except for the fact that we need to pull ourselves together, strengthen our resolve, and continue forward.

I believe in you America. We can do it.

America, we did not get emotionally caught up in the moment and make irrational decisions. Unlike Serbia, did not dip deep into reserves (necessary for V2 which can come out any day now) or have their entire military "berserk", weakening them for the next week. We did not sacrifice tomorrow for today.

America, the future is what we make it, lets make it a bright one.

Well played Serbia, we'll see you soon 🙂

-Chocolate McSkittles
Vice President of a nation licking her wounds and getting ready for round two.