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The damage just flies away

20 Dan 1,078, 05:33 Objavljen vSerbia Serbia

Yesterday, I found out something I knew already. But know I got a little bit mad.

You know, in this new war module all the damage you inflict disappears if the damage wasnt inflicted in the last 5 minutes.
And this is what bugs me, people know

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500 gold for FREE! [for real]

28 Dan 1,077, 06:05 Objavljen vSerbia Serbia

Ok, I need just 70 subs to go to join the big guys! You know, to get the MM medal.
So, I ve decided to to hold a contest, you know. Leave your sub number and vote number and when I hit 1000 subs, the lucky winner will get 400 gold, and the second

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Valuable Regions Of The New World

95 Dan 1,075, 07:04 Objavljen vSerbia Serbia

Hello everyone! 😃
Using eserbia.net I managed to get all high regions and the users of the region. xD
So here are the results.


So China has two high

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Tutorial za nove novinare eSrbije [SRB]

6 Dan 1,074, 01:27 Objavljen vSerbia Serbia

Pod jedan, svaki gradjanin eSrbije ima novine! Ali mozda 7% njih vredi citati.

Za novine vam terbaju 2 golda i aj da kazemo da je to pametna investicija. 2 golda das dobijes 5 golda.
Ali da bi doso do tih 5 golda treba ti skoro godinu dana.

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A new chicken message!

10 Dan 1,073, 02:19 Objavljen vSerbia Serbia

First the winner of the contest is no one, Me and my frined together have 3.5 FP.

And the new message is!

Thank you in advance, Me.

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