The damage just flies away

Day 1,078, 05:33 Published in Serbia Serbia by DjApE BeAsT

Yesterday, I found out something I knew already. But know I got a little bit mad.

You know, in this new war module all the damage you inflict disappears if the damage wasnt inflicted in the last 5 minutes.
And this is what bugs me, people know this but still they inflict 10k+ influence at the beginning of the mini-battle.

Player ZLIGOR ST made 50k+ damage in the first 20 minutes. And that is a lott of damage. A lott of gold spent. That damage spent in the last few minutes probably would have changed the outcome of the battle.

And look at this two images.

Look, there is an hour left, and there is already over 30k maybe 40k of damage already spent.
The admins should at least shorten the time of a mini-battle, dont you agree?
Or at least limit the health packs. 😛

Oh, and what happend to those freedom od speach petitions? Gone? People tired?
Well, we know that the admins are ignoring us.

Ok, back to the subject at hand. There is a realy, realy small chance, that if we all aplied our damage in the last minutes of the battle , the game wouldnt be so boring.
There would be more organizing that we just might enjoy!

Dont let this happend to you!

So, dont let you brain hurt you. 😉

Until next time, Reaper 13.

PS. I will try to get aonther military article published. Thank you