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BH medal and a contest

8 Dan 1,072, 05:14 Objavljen vSerbia Serbia

First of all, the current wars, I don't think that they are wars!
I think the people who have so many BH medals, are just mad about something and they are taking it all out at their poor and defensless mouse.
I would't like to be LK777's mouse,

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Admins have made some promises....

11 Dan 1,069, 06:58 Objavljen vRepublic of Moldova Republic of Moldova

Admins have made us some promises about a month ago. xD

17 days ago, the insider said that they will migrate all military skills into one skill, called strentgh.

At the beginning of V3 military module, the admins said that they are going to

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How To Become A Two-Click Player [tutorial]

9 Dan 1,068, 04:07 Objavljen vRepublic of Moldova Republic of Moldova

Ok, this is my first tutorial and I hope you enjoy it. 🙂

First of all, why do players become two-clickers?

Most of them want to destroy their addiction of eRepublik. And I'm gonna show you how to do it.

Get a game that is not an online

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An article xD

7 Dan 1,065, 05:24 Objavljen vRepublic of Moldova Republic of Moldova

Warning! Warning!
You are entering a dangereous site!

This message will soon, if admins decide to screw up this game some more, apear in our screens.

So let's show the admins

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A new medal!

25 Dan 1,063, 05:14 Objavljen vRepublic of Moldova Republic of Moldova

First of all. Thank you for your votes, all 1066 of them. 🙂

So, the subject is the news have leaked. One of my sources said that the admins are working on a new medal. And whit that medal, the chances of getting the treauser of kings, are 2%

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