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The Government's Abuse of Power (Including chat log) Part Two

27 Dan 1,831, 06:27 Objavljen vAustralia Australia Politične debate in analize Politične debate in analize

For those who haven't read part one, please see that first before reading part two...

[img]http://www.onlinetoej.dk/wp-content/uploads/[/img] … preberi več »

The Government's Abuse of Power (Including chat log) Part One

29 Dan 1,831, 05:31 Objavljen vAustralia Australia Politične debate in analize Politične debate in analize

Earlier this evening I had written an article about how the Ranger Bob Government and how it was going … preberi več »

Government makes a BIG Screw Up

27 Dan 1,830, 23:09 Objavljen vAustralia Australia Politične debate in analize Politične debate in analize

Up until 24 hours ago, the Ranger Bob Government had been moving along swimmingly well.

States were being recovered from Chile (through force), an … preberi več »

Government Ideas: Two Cabinets

5 Dan 1,827, 21:43 Objavljen vAustralia Australia Politične debate in analize Politične debate in analize

This idea and debate proudly brought to you by Mr Crumpets

Every Country President election we see candidates provide their … preberi več »

Dumb Ways To Die Video

3 Dan 1,826, 01:58 Objavljen vAustralia Australia Družbeni stiki in zabava Družbeni stiki in zabava

I was going to write something about eRepublik and the eAsutralian Government... but bugger that!

Has anyone seen that funny (and cute) Metro Trains Melbourne safety ad... that's just too catchy?

This pic should give you a brief preview...


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