The Government's Abuse of Power (Including chat log) Part Two

Day 1,831, 06:27 Published in Australia Australia by Mr Crumpets

For those who haven't read part one, please see that first before reading part two...

What we've established so far, is that by logic and game mechanics, the Green and Gold Party is NOT a PTO threat.

Regardless of the actions so far accused of Wingfield and Detroit the candidates up for election would not support a PTO.

So let's continue reading highlights of the log to see if we can figure out how the Ranger Bob Government came to the decision to call the GGP a PTO and knock it out of the Top 5.

06:34:32: tell people to move to ANP and ARP please.
06:34:42: ARP?
06:34:47: yep
06:35:00: we only need 5 parties in top 5
06:35:00: alright I've missed a lot here so pls stop a second
06:35:05: message GnG 2 clickers and tell them to move to ARP
06:35:07: lets kick GnG out
The first person to suggest the Green and Gold Party should be kicked out of the Top Five is Discrate1... more known as DocterDry2 (now Moist).

At this point in the game, the GGP is about 10 members clear of the ARP.

UNDER PROPER PTO SANCTIONS it would have been established that the GGP was running genuine candidates thus the order would have been given for ARP members to move into the GGP... this however was not done.

Instead, as we will witness a politically motived move was allowed, which is against the spirit of Anti-PTO operations.

06:40:01: my only worry is what G&G Did today
06:40:14: worry not, they will be eradicated.
06:40:16: if you take them off arbitrarily then they will mass message
06:40:17: both the parties are the most active fair choice
06:4😇4: mass message GnG members and tell them to move
06:40:42: ok let's cut the crap .. we're all working across party lines to prevent a PTO

Here DD2 makes it clear he is out to get the GGP... a PTO of sorts!
At this stage TJ is right... let's work across party lines.
I can tell you I've done that in the past leading Anti-PTO information campaigns. A number of times I got into spats with the ANP, but come a PTO threat, that was all put aside. It seems DD2 cannot.

06:47:29: what are the conventions for declaring a party president a PTO?
06:47:43: usually declared by IG in forum
06:47:53: however I don't think you need the IG to declare that
06:47:57: I don't think wingfield meets it but he's skating thin
06:48:03: I need opinions
06:48:15: oh im an idiot
06:48:31: he is using this as political furtherance to his agenda
06:48:49: .access add TJ_Norton 9999
06:48:52: .sync
06:48:56: OK, messaged a bunch of KHMCers I'm pretty sure aren't PTOers
06:48:57: done thx Tim
06:48:59: when detroit posted me about the ACP thing I said his priority should be to get people out from the Steadler thing and PA Party
06:49:12: but they are keen to get people to G&G
06:49:18: not exactly playing ball
06:49:23: that is my opionion
06:49:24: so who's here in terms of PPs? We got SC rep'ing ANP
06:49:27: *opinion
06:49:31: any ACP or KH party leaders here?
We've had parties in the past that didn't exactly play ball, but still were not seen as a PTO threat. The main example being Paul Hamon and the PaPP.
They danced to a different drum, but were leaved to be.

You'll also note the last comment, if there was some party leaders in the room. Even if they did not want to speak to Wingfield or Detriot, why didn't the ATO reach out to respected members (and candidates like Miss Wolf and H.Nelson and ask them for their opinion?).
06:54:54: just keep putting members in ARP and ANP
06:55:06: be cool
06:55:29: dude ARP is worse it's at 31, to ANP's 38, to GGP's #5 at 40
06:55:38: we can't 'make' people move
06:55:40: poach GGP's
06:55:55: send the 2 clickers scary message saying its an emergency
06:55:55: 😛
06:57:32: IM out for a little bit discrate1 is in control of ANP while im out
06:58:12: well, i am the defacto REAL PP sir_c0nstant
So here it is. DD2 advocating for GGP members to be poached. Though as we see the GGP is in the top 5 and should be getting members from the ARP, we see the ATO squad attempt to knock GGP out of the top five.

Remember, at this time it has not been signed off that the GGP are a PTOed party by Ranger - it looks like a political agenda in play by the ATO squad.

07:14:48: keep messaging people in GnG and KHMC to move to ARP and ANP
07:16:22: Ranger
07:16:32: ?
07:16:39: I need you to sign off on the following mate, hear me out
07:16:53: I'm listening, I'm close enough 😉
07:17:00: oh and hello TJ
07:17:06: hi Larni
07:17:16: we can't take arbitrary ATO action against GGP because Miss Wolf is a party leader and she's known and trusted
07:17:35: at this point I recommend to you that we can't get ARP into the Top 5 unless his actions are sanctioned PTO
07:17:39: she is only a vice member
07:17:42: that will nullify the GGP
07:17:48: wingfield is a proven threat
07:18:05: doesn't matter since the positions were put in place by Plato it's game mechanics and she accepted the position
07:18:10: i think that overrides any unfortunate problems with miss wolf
07:18:20: otherwise she wouldn't have allowed it
07:18:30: times running out, lets move
07:18:32: you dont accept, i never accepted being MoFA lol
07:18:33: If we can secure the top 5 by any means necessary TJ do it. I will take the heat from it.
07:18:45: Prime Minister?
07:18:48: I need the order
07:19:03: Larni uses ranger's rubber stamp
07:19:26: do what needs to be done.
07:20:44: battle time eta 10mins...
07:20:45: Ranger reads
07:21:05: oh just agree Ranger, I already did, give him... authorisation to do whatever he needs to.
07:21:26: no use winning the nation if we're going to lose it because we tread on a few toes
07:21:26: the principle here is that G&G are equiv to a PTO party and won't play ball?
07:21:35: do it
07:21:37: via Wingfield, correct
07:21:40: yes sir
07:21:41: GO!
07:21:57: SC: add GGP to the list of PTO parties
07:22:02: god help us all!
07:22:07: guys less talk, we need people from GGP and Knighthawks to mvoe to ARP
07:22:08: right now

That's the moment it all went down and the GGP was declared a PTO.

That was the moment eAustralia's most experienced players screwed up.

While they were talking about the leader, NOT ONCE, did they look at or discuss the candidates up for election.

They mention Miss Wolf, did any of them understand she was a candidate for the election?

Did any of them message her to get her take on things?

No. The stupidly got obsessed with Wingfield.

Tim Holtz say he is a 'Proven threat'... any evidence presented? Sure, words might have been said between Tim and Wingfield, but does he have a team of candidates with him to cause a PTO of the senate? NO!!! DO YOUR MATHS TIM, NO, NO, NO, NO!

Did Ranger use any logic as outlined in part one of this article? NO!

They all got hooked up on emotion and politics, when they needed to put that aside and look at the candidates list. They failed to do the most simple of Game Mechanics basics.

07:39:54: ?? oh what did I miss?
07:40:03: G'n'g out of top 5?
07:4😇7: need more people in ARP
07:40:40: ACP and APP safe
07:40:47: he is still languishing on 40 peeps while real, patriotic aussies are listening to whats for the greater good and moving where they are needed
Actually Ronny, for the 'Greater Good' the maths said the ARP should have merged into the GGP which had better numbers. Thus helping the chances of Miss Wolf and H.Nelson of getting elected.

07:51:48: GnG are now officially classed as a PTO party. Their activities are tantamount to treason.
07:52:04: we have to build them up
07:52:06: GnG seems to political...
07:52:07: we odnt have enough time
07:52:09: 🙁
07:52:10: doesnt it make a nice change discrate, ANP not hated
07:52:14: Woops...
07:52:18: lol
07:52:20: yeh lol
07:52:26: SC you know I never hated you guys
07:52:28: sheesh
07:52:29: :/
07:52:30: Ranger, Putting GnG as a PTO party seems too politcal.
07:52:51: I'm not going to post they are James. However
07:53:11: I am NOT going to let them message people using some agenda to play for numbers
07:53:19: as I commented
07:53:27: this has nothing to DO with parties
Actually Ranger, you're doing what you don't like right now! You're poaching from a higher placed party to boost the numbers of the ARP.

I believe Hypocrite is the word for that!

07:56:05: ok GGP all messaged
07:56:09: minus Wingfield of course
07:56:16: but I think that's taken as fait accompli 😛
07:56:27: just in time too
07:56:35: ppl will log in for DC and see this
That was not the act of a Senate Elections Commissioner, that was the act of a coward.

If the GGP was declared by the ATO squad as a PTO, a public article outlining in detail the reasons why should have been published.

This would have been up front and allowed public debate on the issue.

09:14:02: for the record
09:14:20: I MADE the decision re G&G party

Not really, it was DD2's idea, supported by the others, then based on emotion without logical reason, you rubber stamped it.

Ranger Bob the buck stops with you.

You have abused the powers of the PTO. Did it in the chat room and did not have the guts to be honest and up front with the eAustralian public.

You want to know why we, the citizens of eAustralia, fight and squabble over things... it's because of this... 'the clique'... if you're not in with them, then you cannot be good for eAustralia. That's the attitude.

That's why Miss Wolf and H.Nelson told me they are sick of politics.

Tell me Ranger Bob is Miss Wolf a PTOer? is H.Nelson a PTOer? Am I a PTOer? Did you even look at the candidates list?

What you did to the entire Green and Gold Party (we are more than just two people) was wrong and you need to apologise.

For those interested, the 4 hour chat log can be downloaded from Sendspace at...