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16 Ziua 467, 19:26 Publicat în USA USA

Hi eUSA. Hi socialists, communists, and anyone with me, Mombassa, and the glorious CPUSA.
As some of have you noticed, Comrade Mombassa has received a party, and renamed it the CPUSA. I then donated about 16.5 gold for the formation of an

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Another takeover.

5 Ziua 464, 18:11 Publicat în USA USA

Hey eUSA. Now.. there is a major issue that is really annoying me, and every prospectful settler and new eRepublikan.

Commonly referred to as "TO", it is a highly disliked attack. It is an action that, results in the

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War Games

4 Ziua 463, 14:57 Publicat în USA USA

Hi there eUSA. Let's talk about a subject that has been mentioned a lot recently. War Games. War games are a consenting fight between 2 countries to train. Great way to rank up, XP, and get gold for the hero awards. Brings in revenue to the

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The 3 day rule

18 Ziua 462, 15:07 Publicat în USA USA

Hi eUSA. I've come to speak with you about a certain rule that not only do I dislike, but it's a feature that breaks the admins own rules? Lol!

The 3 day rule is a rule that if you are hired by a company, you must for 72 hours, and until then,

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Romania - Friend or Foe?

18 Ziua 461, 16:24 Publicat în USA USA

Hello, eUSA. As several concerned people on the IRC already know, there is a eRomanian takeover in progress. First, let's review Romania in a nutshell. They are a member of ATLANTIS, they're incredibly strong military wise, they like to

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