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Fine paid by the USA

21 Ziua 477, 14:25 Publicat în USA USA

Good job guys. Now, I owe you an apology.

Thanks. This is all. You won't have to pay the rest I hear. You going to impeach or wut?


EDIT: here for battle so you can fight

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How many Americans does it take to conquer The Gulf region of Mexico?

22 Ziua 476, 15:30 Publicat în USA USA

More than 12,000

Ha. HA. AHAHHAHAHAH. Sorry wut? Hey there eMerica. Looks like you have finally been punished for your crimes. There was a big damn battle in Indo v Romania. You did not help as much as you could have (you did did several thousand

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American Failure..part 2

17 Ziua 475, 11:44 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom

Hey there. 2 days ago, I published an article highlighting america's failure to it's allies. Let us review some battle stats:

West Siberia region battle - a whopping 20,000 fights were done in total. Damage totals: ~630,000 Indonesia, ~490,000

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eUSA - Being imperialists..always

27 Ziua 472, 16:21 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom

Hai thar eUK. Never wrote an article here, but as allies of eMerica, (greatest fail nation in everything) you guys should review if you really want to be allied to these idiots. As all we paratroopers and soldiers, or non-tards know: Indonesia has

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A new media system, new Industries, and CPUSA

2 Ziua 468, 15:34 Publicat în USA USA

Hey hey guise. It's time I put multiple issues in my articles. This 1 article a day, it doesn't let me get everything out that I think should be out there IMMEDIATELY. The only problem is, if you disagree with part of the article.. you don't vote

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