The 3 day rule

Day 462, 15:07 Published in USA Turkey by P. Cornelius Scipio Africanus

Hi eUSA. I've come to speak with you about a certain rule that not only do I dislike, but it's a feature that breaks the admins own rules? Lol!

The 3 day rule is a rule that if you are hired by a company, you must for 72 hours, and until then, the only way to leave the job is if: the company runs out of RM's or Money, or the company manager fires you. It's a quite restricting rule, and sometimes troops on assignment can't work (what if we're deployed all over). It also affects the lower level eRepublikan. I ask you low level citizen of eUSA, if you aren't 100% sure on the whole Quality thing and take a crappy job, it's impossible to quit for 3 days! That could screw you over.

Let's look at the hilarious part. The rule doesn't allow you to leave your company, which is your choice to work at, correct? Found here: , law 1.1 states: 1.1 Every citizen has the right to choose what company to work for and to receive a payment in exchange for his/her work..

So, you can't choose your company until after 72 hours of working somewhere you really don't want to work at? Think about that, eMericans.

eUK paratrooper.

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