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World Reporting

Here We Go Again: Alberta Congress; Auk Rest

8 Ziua 915, 09:33 Publicat în Canada Canada

First of all, who actually likes to read articles about congress candidacies? Who actually likes to write articles about this? The whole point of articles like this … citește în continuare »

War Review: PHOENIX All out Attack!

4 Ziua 911, 14:47 Publicat în Canada Canada

(Note: This title can also be interpreted as the following: "War Review: Because I Wrote One An Hour Before It Got Interesting and Now Write This&quot😉. Anyways; I pretty much covered Limpopo/Liaoning + Bulgaria in my last review, so if anyone

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War Review: PHOENIX Titanium Colony Defeated

3 Ziua 910, 17:26 Publicat în Canada Canada


So apparently when I wrote this article (Tuesday) nothing was happening. If I had waited a few more hours, I would have a LOT to write about. I will be publishing another article on the new battles that were opened today ( … citește în continuare »

Weekly War Review: Building and Rebuilding

5 Ziua 903, 19:25 Publicat în Canada Canada

It's Tuesday, and I'm publishing my weekly war review. Unfortunately; despite all the "battles" waging around; there is a surprising lack of information to report upon.

EDEN in Eastern Europe and Anti-PTO Efforts


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EDEN Survives: War Review

6 Ziua 897, 14:30 Publicat în Canada Canada

Sorry to all my readers for not putting this article out on Tuesday, but I've been dealing with RL business all week and have done little more than two-click.

Spain and Poland Ressurect; Hungary Faces Annihilation


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