EDEN Survives: War Review

Day 897, 14:30 Published in Canada Canada by Auk Rest

Sorry to all my readers for not putting this article out on Tuesday, but I've been dealing with RL business all week and have done little more than two-click.

Spain and Poland Ressurect; Hungary Faces Annihilation

In my previous article, I mentioned three nations that committed suicide: Spain, Poland and Romania. I believe that Spain and Poland have arisen from the dead. Spain was likely to be overrun by Brazil, but when the Brazilian army invaded Andalucia against Spain's 12 MPPs compared with their 18, they found significant resistance by the Spanish army and their allies.

Poland signed a MPP with the Spaniards and Brazil was afraid to attack anymore and was pushed out of Spain.

Despite losing their colonies, the Polish people seem to have arisen in spirits and region swapped through Slovakia to attack Hungary with Croatia in a combined effort on Budapest to end the Hungarian flame.

Hungary; having survived an attack on Central Hungary and Budapest regained initiative on Croatia, but Croatia managed to survive and counter, defeating all Hungarian regions besides Budapest. Poland and Croatia both attacked the region but PHOENIX put forth a big effort to save Hungary and both attacks were repelled.

However, Hungary will no longer be the giant they once were as Heilongjiang is no more. Hungary lost control of Heilongjiang after EDEN tanked down a 1 million + wall in a resistance war. With Heilongjiang gone, China attacked the Russian held Chinese region Jilin and conquered it.

China then attack Serbia's Inner Mongolia and conquered it. Sindh was conquered in a resistance war as well. Liaoning and Balochistan are all that is left, but it is doubtful the Serbian pakistani colony will be able to make it back to Liaoning should they be defeated.

Canadian Invasion of France

Canada declared war on and subsequently invaded France, activating dangerous MPPs against them. These attacks on France were mostly used as a damage drain while Croatia was invading Hungary; though EDEN may think of attempting another invasion of France through Canada and attempting to get Poland back to Rhone Alps. It is likely that Poland will at least attempt at getting high grain back in Brandenburg and Berlin.

The war in France has not been very serious, and it will get interesting should France choose to invade Canada. No doubt Hungary will see this as an attempt to get back to Heilongjiang. If Canada keeps strong MPPs with Spain/Romania/Poland/USA, it will discourage France to attack them as the Frenchies will not close this war.


Despite several EDEN members commiting suicide last week, EDEN has survived and both alliances do not have leverage over another. Heilongjiang was liberated but Budapest remains and Canada may need protection in the future. Who knows what this next week will hold?