War Review: PHOENIX Titanium Colony Defeated

Day 910, 17:26 Published in Canada Canada by Auk Rest

So apparently when I wrote this article (Tuesday) nothing was happening. If I had waited a few more hours, I would have a LOT to write about. I will be publishing another article on the new battles that were opened today (Wednesday)! Sorry!

The eWorld would be a boring place without wars

It's Tuesday, and time for my weekly war review. To tell you the truth, I actually almost forgot about this. The only real "news" would be the Liaoning freedom attempt and liberation of Limpopo. I could probably leave it at that but of course I must give an analysis of all events.

EDEN Takes Two Shots; One Hits

Last week, EDEN launched a resistance war against Serbian Liaoning to give China its freedom and to remove Serbia from high iron. Many EDEN and United States soldiers flooded in on the attack, but no one was getting anywhere against Serbia, so EDEN command switched to a different target.

A resistance had been started in South African Limpopo. This was Argentina's titanium colony and would be the country's strongest source of titanium in the days of V2. Unfortunately for Argentina, all those trigger happy EDEN soldiers moved the crosshairs from Serbia to Argentina. With PHOENIX first focused on Liaoning, it wasn't hard for EDEN to first break down the wall of Limpopo and keep it that way for the rest of the battle.

An Argentinan man in Limpopo...the enemy...

After the liberation of Limpopo and the defeat of foreign nations in Africa, South Africa has joined the Brolliance. It is extremely unlikely Argentina or its big brother Brazil will get back at South African titanium with South Africa's new allegiance. The Brolliance and EDEN now control all of the world's titanium with the exception of two regions in Russia . Titanium will be used to make Tanks and Helicopters in V2, so they will be very useful.

Bulgaria Is A Fool

As the war against Hungary died down after the battle for Budapest, Romania set its sights on a new target: Bulgaria. Bulgaria had been blocking Romania and activated MPPs against it (Those MPPs just happen to outnumber and outclass Bulgaria's MPPs significantly). Of course with no wars going on, Romania stemarolled into Bulgaria, and defeated the two most major population hubs of Varna and Sofia. Serbia responded quickly however, countering the Romanians and then declaring war on Bulgaria to take it over.

Serbia conquered Bulgaria to erase Romanian MPPs against it and then quickly Resistance Wars were started to free Bulgaria, starting in Sofia. Bulgaria is now free.


Argentina lost Limpopo this week and Bulgaria was briefly wiped from the map. The war against Hungary goes on with little success. Japan has invaded South Korea, and their capital is already captured by the Japanese. Canada continues its roll as blocker against France and its MPPs, who by now are mostly ignoring the Canadians anyways.