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eRepublik has called me back

8 Ziua 1,831, 22:16 Publicat în Malaysia Malaysia Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

So while I was randomly checking my email a few days I ago I happened upon an email about eRepublik. I was interested. I had not played the game in a while and had quit

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And I'm eDead

7 Ziua 1,650, 18:57 Publicat în Malaysia Malaysia Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

I believe I stopped playing this a few months ago but never actually stated it. I'm leaving the website like so many other have done.

For their own various reasons: updates, [url=

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Carr De Vaux is back to kick some ass!

11 Ziua 1,422, 11:39 Publicat în Malaysia Malaysia Primii pași în eRepublik Primii pași în eRepublik

Carr De Vaux our great former president of eMalaysia is alive!

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Where were you when eMalaysia fell?

8 Ziua 1,399, 11:02 Publicat în Malaysia Malaysia Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

Since there seems to be no activity on the forums I am just going to ask the questions here. Where were you when eMalaysia's final region fell to foreign invaders?

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Whatever happened to the forums?

5 Ziua 1,212, 16:34 Publicat în Malaysia Malaysia

It has been a very great while since I last went on the eMalaysian national forums. The forum host and the forums themselves have changed enough so that I don't even know where they are anymore. I recall the olden days where we had one forum with

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