eRepublik has called me back

Day 1,831, 22:16 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by clanky4

So while I was randomly checking my email a few days I ago I happened upon an email about eRepublik. I was interested. I had not played the game in a while and had quit the game awhile ago. But as I said I got an email from eRepublik saying that it was their 5th anniversary.

Now I, as many other have done, had left erepublik due to the massive amount of changes that happened to the game in general.

Many people just were not willing to accept the massive amounts of change that all seemed to happen so rapidly. When eRepublik switched over into rising a lot of stuff changed very quickly and on top of that it changed several times. Back then there was "time" when you picked what you wanted to do with all your "hours" in the eRepublik world. Obviously the concept of time did not work out because they eventually got rid of it and reverted back to the two clicking.

What was even worse was what came some time after that though. They got rid of all of the work related skills!

It was, for me anyway, one of the most retarded things ever done for eRepublik. Now all of the people who had spent a good amount of time trying to perfect their sweet employment skills lost all of their progress and everyone is equally productive. I do not know if eRepublik was trying to make the economic module more fair for everyone but they completely ruined it. Regardless of your past merit, or where you are employed everyone is payed the same.

This is not even the worst of the communistic changes that eRepublik made to, well, itself. On top of all of that they allowed every single citizen to not only own a company; which was formerly handled by organizations which they also got rid of; but also allowing these citizens to work for themselves!

Now I am not saying that self employment is a communist ideal in anyway. There are many great things about it but, eRepublik basically allows you to be a completely self sufficient citizen who is able to not only gather raw materials but also make finished products for yourself. This in turn has a huge negative affect on the economy. It means that less people are going to be inclined to buy anything off of the market and thus the government is unable to collect any taxes from sales.

All in all this is just my opinion of the mistakes that eRepublik has made. Change happens and we must learn to live with it. Seeing that my friend list only has 3 remaining living citizens tells me that most people dealt with the change by just leaving.

I don't know if I will try to get used to the changes and stick around or just wind up leaving again as so many others seem to have done. But for now, for a time, I am back!

Former Party President of the Democratic People's Party
Former congressman of eMalaysia
Founder of the Association of Shellfish