And I'm eDead

Day 1,650, 18:57 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by clanky4

I believe I stopped playing this a few months ago but never actually stated it. I'm leaving the website like so many other have done.

For their own various reasons: updates, political corruption and PTO, the economy becoming a luxury, the value of currency, the death of one of the greatest leaders in our nation's history, or of course boredom.

I remember when the game was so much more simple. Your job was to be on a 5 question trivia show. You could only work once a day. You could only train once a day. You could only eat once a day; we were all very fit back then. Now people can kill themselves working, eat 1000's of pieces bread, and shot at each with bazookas for fun.

As my last "living" action I'm going to move back to the place of my eBirth Indiana, USA. To my last 5 living friends: Bolliver Sockwash, crvnazvezda, Hajariyan, nicholas2000, and Dr. Straatman. I leave my possessions. To Bolliver Sockwash I leave my collection of helicopters. To crvnazvezda; the communist; I leave my collection of loaves of bread. To Hajariyan I leave my half of my collection of vintage WWII era tanks(is that eruepblik was trying to make them look like?), to nicholas2000; I thought you were the toad last time I was here; I leave the other half of my WWII era tanks. And to Dr. Straatman; my military commander; I leave the remainder of my eWorldly possessions for the betterment and security of eMalaysia.

Good luck to those of my friends and acquaintances who have not been claimed by what Mr. Aleph has called Zombie land.

Goodbye and Goodluck,
Former Party President of the Democratic People's Party
Former congressman of eMalaysia
Founder of the Association of Shellfish