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Thank you all for the great work!

22 Ziua 1,145, 18:45 Publicat în South Korea South Korea

Hi South Korea,

First of all I would like to thank you everyone for building what South Korea is today in the last month. My term had ups and downs, but for sure was one of the most excting months for this country in its whole history. We

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Allow me to continue the work! Vote Clopoyaur!

27 Ziua 1,141, 06:43 Publicat în South Korea South Korea

Hi South Korea,

I am coming in front of you to ask you to allow me to continue the work I have started in the last month as president of South Korea. There were successes, there were failures, but overall our country started to move in the right

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Explanations, situation and choices

26 Ziua 1,137, 05:38 Publicat în South Korea South Korea

Hi South Korea,

In these moments I feel the need of explaining a few things that are maybe unclear for many of the players living in South Korea.

According with the new resources allocation, each country can have bonuses for

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Day 20 - Land swap with China [UPDATED]

29 Ziua 1,136, 14:45 Publicat în South Korea South Korea

Hi South Korea,

First of all I want to wish everyone HAPPY NEW YEAR and the best wishes for 2011! May all your dreams and thoughts to become reality and maybe with a little extra added! I also wish you a better E-Republik game and as few bugs,

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Day 17 - New Congress

4 Ziua 1,133, 06:17 Publicat în South Korea South Korea

Hi South Korea,

The congress elections are over and I have to congratulate all the players that managed to get into the seat for the next month. It was a though competition and the presence was better than ever. This is one thing that makes me

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