Allow me to continue the work! Vote Clopoyaur!

Day 1,141, 06:43 Published in South Korea Romania by Clopoyaur

Hi South Korea,

I am coming in front of you to ask you to allow me to continue the work I have started in the last month as president of South Korea. There were successes, there were failures, but overall our country started to move in the right direction, as being an important country in E-Republik.

So, here is what I have done and what I intend to do if you will give me your vote to continue.


DONE: After a long time, South Korea has an army. The South Korean Dragons gathered in 1 month of existence more than 30 brave soldiers and managed to win a few important battles. But more important is that Dragons managed to be organized and to inflict damage when is needed and where is needed. I consider this the biggest achievement of my term. Also, 25 of the Dragons have 1000+ strength.

TO BE DONE: I will continue to support the rise of the Dragons in numbers, in damage inflicted by supporting them with money to fight and in logistic by directing them to fight in the most important moments of the battles trough the chat.


DONE: A successful (for our side) land swap with Republic of China (Taiwan) that provides South Korea a 5% bonus on food production. The land swap was completed but at one moment, Taiwan lost the region intended to win and the war was restarted. At this moment we hope to gain initiative back.
South Korea also tried to make a land swap with Japan in early December, but the deal was canceled in the middle of the process by the Japanese side because they received a better offer. As a result, each country came back to its original territories.
South Korea also made a deal with China regarding land swaps, still that was not put into work yet. Having this in mind we have closed only 1 MPP, putting the second one on hold.

TO BE DONE: Closing the war with Republic of China (Taiwan) and trying to setup a deal with China in the benefit of both countries. Closing a second MPP (with Poland or Spain) if we cannot make the deal with China.


DONE: Even if I tried, it seems that I could not establish a very good relation with the RL Koreans who gathered themselves into a group refusing to talk with the current administration. I have intended to create a forum trough the help of Sirius Padfoot and Khorne the Blood God but that forum came into action just a few days ago. I hope from now on, it will be a place for both parts to interact more.

TO BE DONE: A closer relation with the RL Korean community even if that seem to be at this moment, extremely hard to do. Still, a few steps have been made (some Koreans came to the Dragons chat, ICome offered the Dragons one of his factories for producing q5 weapons, some Koreans came to the congress chat). In fact, we are all working for the benefit of our country, South Korea. It would be better to unite our energies not to fight each other. Also, I aim for a better relationship with the congress with the help of the chat and forum.


DONE: The economy boomed in the last month stimulated by the multiple direct wars our nation had and by the increasing demand for food, weapons and raw materials. This has lead to increased salaries and better prices. Still, in some areas there is a monopol of a few companies, this is the reason why some prices (especially for weapons) are still high. The taxes in action at the moment offer the National Treasury a decent income, enough for the country to support itself.

TO BE DONE: Once with the increase in demand, a lot of companies were started and now we are facing a lack of labors force. I will try to solve this issue by advertising our country in countries with low wages or with a large population, as in this moment is possible to live in one country and work in another. The taxes seem to be at a normal level, so I see no reason for changing them except if unexpected situations occur.


DONE: My administration started the term with zero money because the passwords from the old bank were not handed to us. Still, we managed to put to work all the organisms a country needs (army, health minister, MoFA, etc.) and we managed to keep everything in place. The army was founded and was able to provide good damage, there were free-bread giveaway campaigns almost daily for each important battle, Gold was made available for funding the MPPs, The monetary market was controlled and the exchange rate remained constant at the same level as 1 month ago (meaning 1 KRW = 0.015 gold). This ensured the businesses a strong and healthy environment to develop.

TO BE DONE: We will try to start building a gold deposit to be available in case of problems but continue to finance the organizations necessary for the country. The exchange rate of KRW should remain the same and if people from abroad will come and start to work here, maybe the exchange rate could be adjusted trough Bank of South Korea intervention to 1 KRW = 0.016-0.018 gold. If the money gathered will allow us, we will try to finance the start of a few government companies for q5 weapons. Still, taking into consideration the actual income of the country that is not probable.


DONE: Since the old government did not hand over the passwords from Bank of Seoul, a new bank was created - the Bank of South Korea. The funds came from donations from National Treasury and money issuing. A detailed report will be made available later today regarding all operations the bank has made in the last month.

TO BE DONE: The Bank of South Korea will continue to play actively on the monetary market ensuring a stable exchange rate for the KRW and creating the good environment for all the investors to gain profits in South Korea. However, if I will not be elected as president, the passwords and the money belonging to the South Korea will be handed to the next administration.


In one month as president of South Korea I managed to put this nation into movement, an army was created, economy is back on their feet, exchange rate is stable, more people joined the game in South Korea, nationalism arose between the RL Koreans, politics become more interesting, lots of newspaper were created, people became aware of the fact that E-Republik is more than 3 clicks daily.
Even if I was always looked as PTOer by some part of the nation, my actions have proven the exact opposite. Still, everybody is free to decide what path to choose on the Election Day.
I want to ask your support to continue my work. I have proved I can make this nation stronger starting from the ground with zero resources. Remember how our nation was before the last month and how it is now.
It is your choice, it is your call!

Proud citizen of South Korea