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The nCPF, A Month in Review

8 Ziua 1,265, 08:29 Publicat în Canada Canada Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

First off I'll make it known I will be seeking the party presidency again next month. I'm not a charismatic leader and flooding the media with well written articles isn't my style. Regardless of that I'd like to review this last crazy month as some

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CP debate Part 2

3 Ziua 1,260, 23:11 Publicat în Canada Canada Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

[21:11] Jacobi introduced a new system for Cabinet Ministers on his term previous to this one in which

there were either no Ministers, or crucial Ministers were decided on by Congress. Would you keep the system as it


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The CP debates

2 Ziua 1,260, 21:26 Publicat în Canada Canada Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

This is a long article so I can only spam the media, likes there's some thing else here? Opening addresses

[21:00] ok evenings
[21:00] seems like all the main victims are here 🙂
[21:00] I'm here too

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The nCPF Endorsement for CP

8 Ziua 1,259, 15:51 Publicat în Canada Canada Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

This month we have come to a double position. After a albeit small poll we have decided to endorse Cypherrahl for CP. However this doesn't show on the ballot. In an alternate move I'm going to block the 5th spot on the ballot.

In an interesting

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I Got Good News Finally

8 Ziua 1,255, 19:28 Publicat în Canada Canada Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

So tonite I got good news, finally. I'd been searching for days for access to an old forums. Tonite I got it. An old friend I'd always trusted popped up alive and well. He didn't even know he had the access he did but I never removed him even though

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