CP debate Part 2

Day 1,260, 23:11 Published in Canada Pakistan by Frodo Tea Baggins

[21:11] Jacobi introduced a new system for Cabinet Ministers on his term previous to this one in which

there were either no Ministers, or crucial Ministers were decided on by Congress. Would you keep the system as it

currently operates, or return to the previous system in which you determine your own Ministers. If so, whom are

your choices for what Ministries?
[21:12] Certain Key ministers are needed right off the hop
[21:12] * DonDraper (cgiirc@Rizon-373E86D8.no.shawcable.net) has joined #eCandebate
[21:12] a good example of this was the budget last term
[21:13] I most certainly am in heavy support of Congress having more control over those who run key

programs that our government chooses to support
[21:13] guys, I gotta afk for a minute, I'll be back
[21:13] np
[21:13] * Cham (qwebirc@Rizon-7D72691.dsl.bell.ca) has joined #eCandebate
[21:13] however keeping those key positions open for appointment so that the executive can get

started on certain key components of its mandate are still required
[21:15] No one else chime in too quick 😉
[21:15] my turn?
[21:16] end of transmission
[21:16] doing turn based sorta, i guess i should add when you're done to signal so
[21:16] go ahead Saz
[21:16] Kaz
[21:16] lol
[21:16] Personally, I prefer the previous system.
[21:16] I like the flexibility it offers the executive.
[21:17] With that being said, I'll have the following ministers and portfolios:
[21:17] Deputy Prime Minister: Chucky Norris
[21:17] Ministry of War: J. Robert Calder
[21:17] Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Derakor
[21:17] Ministry of Communication: Supabeasty
[21:17] Ministry of the Treasury: Cypher Rahl
[21:17] National Security Advisor: Killacrazy
[21:18] end
[21:18] ok we'll wait for Muglack
[21:18] * +KazLeblanc Commercial Break
[21:18] so how about those leafs last night?
[21:19] oh wait
[21:19] hi sorry
[21:19] * chose666 (~Mibbit@Rizon-A5278127.mc.videotron.ca) has joined #eCandebate
[21:20] My cabinet is a traditional cabinet as well mostly
[21:20] I have a few ministers already selected
[21:20] MoF is Addy
[21:20] I've split the MoFA into two groups
[21:20] the Ambassador Corps will be headed by Derakor
[21:20] and Alliance Relations will be headed by Chucky Norris
[21:20] * Vulcain (~VanDoos@ah.ah.ah.ah) has joined #eCandebate
[21:20] * Trentonius (~mib_trent@Rizon-F2DD445F.mc.videotron.ca) has joined #eCandebate
[21:21] Donimik will be head of Communications
[21:21] and I'm looking for a french speaker to share that with him
[21:21] as for MoD I'll be doing something different
[21:22] I'll ask each branch of the military for a rep, and they'll work together in the office. If one

of them steps forward and acts as the senior member that's fine. But not required.
[21:22] * chose666 (~Mibbit@Rizon-A5278127.mc.videotron.ca) has left #eCandebate
[21:22] In the case of the two of them disagree'ing on something, the final decision will rest with me

as it should
[21:22] * Toad (cgiirc@Rizon-B10529AA.dsl.bell.ca) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
[21:22] they'll also work in close communication with Chucky for obvious reasons.
[21:23] * dhruvs (~dhruvs@Rizon-A472A056.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #eCandebate
[21:23] * Coolmanos (~chatzilla@soviet.russian) has joined #eCandebate
[21:23] alright, i might add a rebuttal section to some questions but that one seemed staight forward

with most in agreement anyway
[21:23] * Coolmanos (~chatzilla@soviet.russian) has left #eCandebate
[21:24] What are your proposals on how we should spend the tax dollars that remain after we have covered

our MPP expenses?
[21:25] Well i guess i will go first 🙂
[21:25] * maher (~Mibbit@Rizon-3809E535.mc.videotron.ca) has joined #eCandebate
[21:25] yah, alphabetical order
[21:25] you're first
[21:27] Once we have set aside the funds for our MPP's the next step will be to review any current or

potential up coming government funed programs (example Bond interest payments) once these have been weighed in the

we can take the remaining funds and apply to where it is most importent and that is the military forces of this

[21:27] TCO, CAF and any other proven organized militia(IE; HOPE and any others that may emerge)
[21:28] MU and organized militias are proving to be fundamentally impotent in the progression of this

[21:29] done?
[21:29] Self supplying members are increasing in numbers meaning the funds given can be more

concentratated to those of 1) lower str 2) lower rank and 3) The more active members of these units(In Game where

it counts)
[21:29] end of this transmission
[21:30] Kaz go
[21:30] After all other current expenses are covered of course
[21:30] I'll be spending money on my proposal of a "Ready Canada" weapons and food stockpile.
[21:31] We're going to get invaded soon, but not immediately thanks to our quick work in the US-

Canada land swap war.
[21:31] Now is the time we should be stocking up on weapons and food
[21:31] while prices are not too bad
[21:31] so that we can prepare for a national defense
[21:32] taking advantage of the time we have to think about it.
[21:32] * Derakor (cgiirc@Rizon-CE0FE38E.home1.cgocable.net) has joined #eCandebate
[21:32] With this preparation, during an invasion
[21:32] the government will be able to issue not just soldiers
[21:32] but average citizens the essential food and weapons they need
[21:32] to make the difference in a critical battle.
[21:33] This is a very concrete step we can take today in order to be ready for tomorrow.
[21:33] end
[21:33] Muglack up
[21:33] My plan is more inline with Cypher's then Kaz's.
[21:33] History has shown that stockpiling is a complete waste of money
[21:33] the fact that the working manager now exists it's even more true
[21:34] Any money spent on stockpiling is a waste
[21:34] My plan will be to cover Canada's costs (MPPs, Bond payments, whatever else may come up) then

invest the rest in
[21:35] the eWorld equivalent of industrialization
[21:35] so that when the bad times come, and they will
[21:35] we will be able to pump out as much product as we can to fight it
[21:35] Stockpiling works for a time, but when it's gone it's gone. Assuming the passwords to the

accounts, or the people holding them don't disappear in the mean time
[21:36] With increased infrastructure we'll be able to meet the force coming, and use our resources in

the most efficient way possible.
[21:36] end
[21:36] * EricLast (~EricLast@Rizon-A48A127D.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #eCandebate
[21:37] * AMM (cgiirc@Rizon-429FDA78.home.cgocable.net) has joined #eCandebate
[21:37] * Canuck sets mode: +v AMM
[21:37] ok intersting differing views, i'm now going to allow each canidate in turn to direct a question

at anothers position
[21:37] * ripp913 (cgiirc@Rizon-C84F0801.mc.videotron.ca) has left #eCandebate
[21:37] So one of wishes to recreate the National Bank stock pile fiasco and the other wishes to re

start the MoI.
[21:37] * aeriala sets mode: -v AMM
[21:38] Can I respond?
[21:38] he attacked both
[21:38] wait
[21:38] try to keep it to direct questions
[21:39] So i have a question to each party, Kaz, you say prices are low right now but for how long do

you think these prices will stay low once everyone finds out you intend on buying HIGH Q weapons and food? the rich

will only get richer this way
[21:39] * Supabeasty (~Supabeast@Rizon-D9A41077.buckeyecom.net) has joined #eCandebate
[21:39] * Supabeasty (~Supabeast@Rizon-D9A41077.buckeyecom.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[21:39] That's a very good question, and I'm glad you're letting me clarify that.
[21:40] There will be a couple of safeguards in play
[21:40] Muglack, where are these companies you intend to start and up grade located? Orgs have prove

un trust worthy and most CAF and TCO companies are locate with in citizens accounts?
[21:40] and the main one is that I'm the only one that will be doing the shopping.
[21:40] So if prices spike in advance of a government purchase? I can wait.
[21:41] * Supabeasty (~Supabeast@Rizon-D9A41077.buckeyecom.net) has joined #eCandebate
[21:41] are you both done?
[21:41] end
[21:41] i said one per party 😛
[21:41] all will get two
[21:41] Ok, I'll answer then ask a question
[21:41] i was planning a swcond round anyway 😛
[21:42] sweet 🙂\
[21:42] go ahead and answer muglack we'll just do 2 in one
[21:42] The question to me was where the companies would be located. I don't know where they'll be

located. I haven't figured that out yet. The first step will most likely be to give money to the CAF and TCO to

upgrade their holdings. They're the most effective fighters in teh country so they should get first crack
[21:43] After that I'll approach the militias. The Captains of INdustry, the French Militia
[21:43] if they meet the requirements for "Militia Status" I see no reason not to help make them more

[21:43] If by that time there's still money left (and with the rapidly declining CAD and upgrades

requiring gold there might not be) I'll worry about new companies
[21:44] I can't see there being much left at that point though
[21:44] ---- now my question is to Kaz
[21:45] ready
[21:45] for him today right? lol
[21:45] Why do you feel the need to stick to the "Stockpile" method when history has shown time and time

again that it doesn't work. The entire purpose of the MoIndustries was to stockpile for "dark days", and in the end

we lost hundreds and thousands of CAD. And not today's CAD, it was CAD that was worth something. If we stockpile

again, can't we expect the same results?
[21:46] There are two major differences.
[21:46] The first is that I'll be purchasing from the private market. The Ministry of Industries is

[21:46] The second is that I might be pessimistic here
[21:47] but I don't think we have a long time to do this. So we'll actually be using them.
[21:47] end
[21:47] Can I follow up?
[21:47] please
[21:47] you have 1 left
[21:48] "Can I follow up?" ooops there is your last one lol
[21:49] Your first thing that was different is that your stockpile will be built at Market Prices, and

not on the cheap, so really your plan is worse. But the more important thing is, how does the stockpile method help

us in a prolonged war? Once your stockpile is gone, and the tax dollars are spent. We're left holding an empty bag.

What do you intend to do then?
[21:50] The idea of a stockpile is about shifting military strategies, from one of relying on solely

our army and our milita
[21:50] to one of expecting each and every Canadian citizen to contribute to our national defense
[21:50] as effectively as we can.
[21:51] It's a strategy we haven't tried yet
[21:51] you didn't answer the question. What happens when it's gone, and we're still at war?
[21:51] What does your stockpile do then?
[21:52] I don't think it will come to that.
[21:52] So one plan is to stockpile and empty it to the masses, and another is to invest LARGE sums

of money to the pockets of special people with out any controls in place to insure the Government gets the fruits

of its investment.....
[21:52] We'll have on guns, we'll have no food, we'll have no infrastructure. We'll have no country.
[21:52] ok Kaz you have 2 free questions regarding this topic
[21:52] * MCA421 (cgiirc@D45B604B.B5487712.A3E5DDF2.IP) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
[21:53] Muglack, how are you ensuring that more people will become active and engaged through your

policy proposals?
[21:53] That's where you're wrong Cypher. Our plan is essentially the same. Focusing the money on

MIlitias and Military groups. But where your plan is ambiguous at best, mine is spelled out. I'll focus on building

them companies to supply higher quality and as a result produce more influence. Your plan is to give them a money

bag and hope for the best.
[21:53] * Toad (cgiirc@Rizon-B10529AA.dsl.bell.ca) has joined #eCandebate
[21:53] War = Activity. It's that simple
[21:53] lets please move on
[21:53] If people are playing for a reason, they'll stick around
[21:54] Wars increase membership in the fighting groups
[21:54] those fighting groups will be more effective
[21:54] Yes no one has ever taken large sums of money and used it for they're best interest.....

[21:54] so the end result is a stronger country
[21:54] * PhilipDellePalme (cgiirc@Rizon-A61C3D5.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #eCandebate
[21:54] We're you implicated in a theft once?
[21:54] weren't even
[21:54] Or am I remembering wrong?
[21:55] next question Kaz?
[21:55] No, but i caught people that were implicated in thefts.... later on i was proven very right

[21:55] * aeriala sets mode: -v Cypherrahl
[21:55] ahh
[21:55] * aeriala sets mode: -v Muglack
[21:55] Muglack, given our position in our alliances, how do you plan to create a war that lasts

longer than our several UK wars?
[21:55] * aeriala sets mode: +v Muglack
[21:56] I thought we were asking budget questions as followups
[21:56] * ArdikusV2 (cgiirc@Rizon-7D5E714C.dsl.bell.ca) has left #eCandebate
[21:56] Should I answer that now, or wait till the Foreign Affairs questions?
[21:56] yea that ones early
[21:56] ok
[21:56] any more relating to budget Kaz?
[21:56] Muglack, how much does your upgrade plan cost?
[21:57] It costs what we put into it, same as yours
[21:57] I can't give you a number because tax revenue and costs fluctuate
[21:57] If there's a surplus
[21:57] * aeriala sets mode: +v Cypherrahl
[21:57] We'll see where the best improvement can be found
[21:58] and we'll use it there until we're out of options to improve, or money that we're willing to

[21:58] alright
[21:58] It has often been argued that the Supreme Court is ineffective. What are your plans, if any, to

reform the justice system and how would you go about doing it?
[21:59] This is a none stop debate due to two factors.
[21:59] 1) Court is mostly about roll play
[21:59] 2) there is no powers for this system in game
[22:00] Most people who choose to break the laws we set in place no longer have interest in roll play

and no longer have much to do with the systems we have control over such as IRC and eCan forums
[22:00] * Rylde (cgiirc@Rizon-6646732D.nt.northwestel.net) has joined #eCandebate
[22:01] done?
[22:01] There are many people who have and are still working hard to make these systems 1) workable

and 2) practical, I will not stop these people from doing so, but nor will i invest time in the creation of these

laws and programs as those are the types of things or congress is in place to make
[22:02] Congress makes the laws and polocies, the Executive follows them and makes them work for the

[22:02] end of transmission
[22:02] I honestly think that the Supreme Court is as effective as it can get.
[22:02] People who call for reform really are calling for its abolishment.
[22:03] That is something I do not support.
[22:03] * AMM (cgiirc@Rizon-429FDA78.home.cgocable.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
[22:03] end
[22:03] ...
[22:03] somehow this strikes me as a weighted question
[22:03] and one that's supposed to set me off like fireworks
[22:04] * Toad (cgiirc@Rizon-B10529AA.dsl.bell.ca) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
[22:04] It's well documented that I've had... "disagreements?" with the Supreme Court
[22:04] and we haven't always seen eye to eye
[22:04] But for what it's worth, I think the concept is sound
[22:05] I would like to see some serious changes to it, but not now. And not quickly
[22:05] Eventually I'd like the Supreme Court be involved strictly with the constitution and things of

that matter
[22:05] as for "crime" I'd like a second body to exist that can move faster and isn't frought with

ambiguity trying to mimic a real life institution
[22:06] * IronToader[Mobile] (~irontoade@Rizon-B10529AA.dsl.bell.ca) has joined #eCandebate
[22:06] * PhilipDellePalme (cgiirc@Rizon-A61C3D5.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has left #eCandebate
[22:06] but that's for another time, and nothing I plan to do this term if elected
[22:06] so
[22:06] end
[22:07] alrite i'd like to add a personal note here since in alt of ways everyone agreed
[22:07] this is a game, ppl play it for different reasons, some play to roleplay
[22:07] * Vulcain (~VanDoos@ah.ah.ah.ah) has left #eCandebate
[22:08] * maher (~Mibbit@Rizon-3809E535.mc.videotron.ca) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
[22:08] some ppl enjoy playing law, is it great maybe not always, but when we talk about player

retention we have to look at it in different ways
[22:08] ok i'm done
[22:08] With the value of the CAD dropping this fast, how do you plan help the currency boost?
[22:10] Until the admins stop messing the economy there is no way to stabalize the currency that does

or would not involve the gov entire funding and time.
[22:10] I think we can all agree there's nothing you can do with the Admins killing all the currencies

to force people to buy gold, and move on to the next question 😛
[22:11] Anyone that has spent time and invested money on the MM can tell you that it has not been

stable since probably pre V2
[22:11] word
[22:11] and Muglack just said it the simplest and best 😛
[22:11] ok
[22:11] taking away all my fancy talk 😛
[22:11] What are your militaristic goals for Canada from May 6th to Jun 5th?
[22:11] BTW any 10 pee and smoke breaks in this thing 😛
[22:12] very soon 😛
[22:12] I'll tag on to those answers and then totally
[22:12] Simple and yet complicated....
[22:12] Mug's right in that there's nothing that can be done about the stability of the dollar.
[22:12] There is no question that we as a country hunger for war
[22:12] * +KazLeblanc sorry to interrupt
[22:13] My intentions are to get in contact with our alliances and seek means to get directly

involved, in addition i wish to speak with our bros about possible military endevours that we can anitiate jointly
[22:14] This last month proved once again that are closest ally is the USA and that we are able to

bring even the great Poland to a hault with the right co operation and strategy
[22:14] I feel with the proper planing we could take to the
[22:14] end of transmission
[22:15] * Supabeasty (~Supabeast@Rizon-D9A41077.buckeyecom.net) Quit (Quit: GOOD BYE)
[22:15] So anyways, back to the dollar
[22:16] can you answer the question we're on please
[22:16] Mug is right in that there's nothing that can be done about the value of the dollar right

[22:16] That's why this is a good time to implement my Ready Canada stockpile proposal.
[22:16] The most any government can do is to create demand through buying things.
[22:16] What are your militaristic goals for Canada from May 6th to Jun 5th? we're on this now
[22:17] sorry, missed that
[22:17] First, I'm going to have a Canadian elected into Terra leadership
[22:17] * SirDeLaShaunRonSmith (~SirDeLaSh@boom.goes.the.dynamite) has joined #eCandebate
[22:18] This will help Terra align its interests better with our own national interests.
[22:18] Next, I plan to have Canada intervene in the Greco-Turkish War through region swaps to the

[22:19] This will help us maintain our commitment to EDEN while at the same time being highly

[22:19] end
[22:20] Muglack up
[22:20] Yah
[22:20] My militaristic goals are fairly simple
[22:20] Keep random battles going with the US to rank up
[22:21] Talk to TERRA and see if there's a way to trade through Portugal into south America where the

countries aren't quite as strong, and get some battles going
[22:21] without jeopardizing our MPPs and alliances
[22:21] so that we can stop ONE if they go on the offence, or if not stop them, get our MPPs back as

fast as possible to minimize the regions lost
[22:22] that's about it. Constant fights to rank up citizens, have some region grabs in South America to

keep our ranking up possible, and protect TERRA/EDEN alliances so we can stop ONE as effectively as possible
[22:22] end
[22:23] alrite last question but gonna reverse the order this time because Cypher snuck out for a smoke

[22:23] this ones from me as a former CP
[22:23] you were CP? How come you don't have a medal?
[22:23] I am back but reverse the order anyways 😛
[22:23] tololololol
[22:24] troll even
[22:24] fucking keyboard
[22:24] * ArtoriusPerim (cgiirc@Emperor.Artorius.Perim.of.BC) has joined #eCandebate
[22:25] How do you plan to balance your time between RL and CP duties with 6 hrs of alliance meeting

scheduled for a Tuesday afternoon, and they can happen once twice a week, you can't call your allies useless if you

don't show up for planning?
[22:26] am I first?
[22:26] this time yea
[22:26] ok
[22:26] I'll go to every meeting I can
[22:26] If I'm on I'll be there. The reason I'm running this month is because I'll have the time to be

able to get on more then normal
[22:27] so I'll be around more than I would of been in the past. I also have people that I know I can

trust to attend those meetings even if I'm not there
[22:27] Chucky has a lot of experience dealing with the alliances, and has even had a hand in leading

them in the past, so he's the best person to be there
[22:28] All I can say is that as it stands right now my tuesdays are free, so attending won't be an

issue. But RL doesn't always agree, and if I can't make it I'll make sure someone worthwhile does
[22:28] so Canada will never get the short end of the stick like we have in the past.
[22:28] end
[22:29] Kaz up
[22:29] The simple answer is that school is off for me this month
[22:29] so all my class time just gets fed into Canada
[22:29] Also, I have an iPhone. I'll be there.
[22:29] end
[22:29] Cypher
[22:30] I am fortunate that my RL job happens to be the family business 😛 meaning i have the ability

to schedual my time in that fact, however as already said RL can get in the way
[22:31] I am fortunate to have a VP who also has a great deal of access to a CPU through out the day,

and of course there is my MoD and MoFA whom i can call apon
[22:31] In addition through this great little tool called Smartphones the internet is almost always

at our tips
[22:32] I am easy to contact and will always insure i have lines in place should i myself not be

free(not that often though 🙂
[22:32] end of transmission
[22:33] ok i'm gonna leave 5 mins here for the canidates to ask questions argue, look great make asses

of themselves whatever before i -m the channel for personal questions, main debate is over