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[Sask] Aeriala for Congress

13 Ziua 1,191, 08:35 Publicat în Canada Canada

My last article talked about having an active congress. Easy to see just page back 1 article at the bottom of the screen. This time I'd like to discuss what an active and useful congress is ( and why you should vote for me ofcourse). 🙂

The idea

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Congress, a useless pile of crap

45 Ziua 1,174, 13:15 Publicat în Canada Canada

There is useless and then there is amazingly useless.

Not many people pay attention to what congress does on the forums, I know. But prehaps it's time you took a look. The last 6 votes in congress failed because less than 40% of congress could be

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MDP, National Heroes?

19 Ziua 1,173, 08:46 Publicat în Canada Canada

A few days ago the gov't released an article I wasn't happy about but I had it written and done anyway to ensure the return of a large portion of gold. Some may argue that it didn't need to be done and that it wasn't extorted. I leave it to the

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Why Aeriala for 1 More Month

15 Ziua 1,172, 17:55 Publicat în Canada Canada

So with election day fast approaching, I can only attempt to give you a clearer view of why you, the people, should re-elect me.

It wasn't an easy month, starting with nothing and making a go. A late start into the month didn't help either. I

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Aeriala for Feb, and the group I have Chosen

18 Ziua 1,170, 15:36 Publicat în Canada Canada

I guess it's time to release my cabinet choices for February. Some of the old and some new. As always I allow ministers to pick their own deputies. So more new faces are always possible.

Vice President - Kelly Mahoney
Chief of Staff

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