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*The Party of Diversity*

21 Dia 663, 21:39 Publicado em Canada Canada


The Party of Diversity

Is what … ler mais »

**The Greater Hungary project**[EDEN READ!]

34 Dia 662, 19:19 Publicado em Canada Canada

That should make the Admins Happy LOL

.Good Morning Canada.

I have some new Hungarian Intel for you. This is not for a too-
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Rock On Admins! Rock On.

22 Dia 662, 15:24 Publicado em Canada Canada

So I was temporarily suspended for my article "Operation Defend America". First time being suspended.

I know everyone(or most) who read the article enjoyed it, and within the first 2 hours, it received over 100 votes, and made the most voted list.

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Why I Joined *The Canadian Progressive Front*

12 Dia 661, 12:45 Publicado em Canada Canada

Joining a political party was something I never really thought I would do for a long time. I always considered myself more of a soldier fighting with the Canadian Resistance. So you … ler mais »

Sorry Canada.

11 Dia 660, 11:18 Publicado em Canada Canada

Sorry Canada, I was Wrong.

In an earlier article of mine, I posted the opinion of a lower class Russian's view.

The article was named [url= mais »