Why I Joined *The Canadian Progressive Front*

Day 661, 12:45 Published in Canada Canada by Alaricus

Joining a political party was something I never really thought I would do for a long time. I always considered myself more of a soldier fighting with the Canadian Resistance. So you can understand that I put a lot of thought into joining my first Party in eRepublik. That party was the Canadian Progressive Front.

You may ask, why was it the first?

Well I wanted to understand Canada's parties before jumping into just any kind of party.

It was clear to me in the last election, that the candidates and parties each had very similar Cabinets and the two main Cabinets featured the opponents in prestigious positions. So regardless of the election, little would change.

When the cabinet drafts were released, there was an outcry against these similarities and, because of this outcry, William Duncan decided to alter his proposed Cabinet, although he changed a few positions around, and filled the empty seats, it still had many of the same old politicians.

Now lets get something straight here, I was not against WD's Cabinet picks, or Jacobi's for that matter. Hell, I don't even mind William Duncan or Jacobi, I think both would have done well in office this term. I was against the fact that he and Jacobi(who had similar platforms) were the only people to choose from in eCanada, and the fact that all of the major parties in eCanada backed both of them up equally.

When I think of democracy and progress I do not think of two identical candidates shaking hands and giving speeches, but when all's said and done nothing changes.

I lost respect for Canada's political system then, and I knew something needed to change.

That was why the Canadian Progressive Front was founded, to give that chance for change that democracy needs to survive. Giving Canadians a real choice in this last election. Since no main political party of Canada was going to nominate Banach for election, Gofarman created this party just before the final moments and endorsed Banach, giving Canadians a choice. Banach ran a day later, but having had so little time to prepare and explain his position failed to capture the Presidency with 23.16 % of the total votes.

Was I surprised that Banach failed to gain the Presidency? No. Banach was nominated a day before the elections, with a new party and only 12 official party members. Whereas Jacobi and William Duncan had been campaigning for the last two weeks, and had the support of Canada's 4 big party's. What I am surprised at however, is how many votes Banach did received, showing us that Canada wants it's chance at change and different opinions.

As of late, Bruck has taken the mantle for the CPF, and I believe he can lead this new party to great beginnings.

Fore more details regarding the Canadian Progressive Front, visit these links,

The Canadian Progressive Front: An Introduction

**The OG: Canadian Progressive Front**

If you are interested in being a part of change, Join **The CPF**

Stay Strong Canada, Alaricus Out.