*The Party of Diversity*

Day 663, 21:39 Published in Canada Canada by Alaricus

The Party of Diversity

Is what comes to mind when I think of the Canadian Progressive Front.

It has only been a couple days since the CPF forums have been officially up and running, and yet, it is such a sight to see. I have come to look at this flourishing party, as such a diverse group. It is simply amazing to see all these people pull together, and express all of their Ideas.

Veteran & fresh players alike, all moulding the future of this party into something very exciting and new. All CPF party members can be a part of that, and this is a crucial time in the party's History, things are coming together very quickly, and I for one am proud to be apart of it.

I only wish more people could share this wonderful experience, the Birth of a party, the collection of idea's, the sight of growth.

Be a part of something that will make you Proud! Be a part of something that will make you Unified!

Be a part of this Party of Diversity, and A future that is indeed bright for Canada.

Be a part of The Canadian Progressive Front

Stay Strong Canada, Alaricus Out.