Fundo lig/desl


24 Dia 850, 13:32 Publicado em Belgium Belgium

Ok, some people suggested that they wanted to see waffles ………….


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Reasons to come to Belgium

12 Dia 849, 21:22 Publicado em Belgium Belgium

I was sitting down to write a compelling piece on why people should consider moving to Belgium....


It was late and I was getting sleepy as I was getting my research together....


I came up with this.......

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A Personal Appeal to Help save South Africa from the dangers of Open Citizenship

20 Dia 849, 11:32 Publicado em Belgium Belgium

Since we do not have a current training war open for people to fight in, and I saw that there is a resistance war going on to allow South Africa to regain its position on the map, I am making the following offer.

All Belgian Citizens who travel

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The Goal of the Game

11 Dia 849, 08:04 Publicado em Belgium Belgium

I was debating what topic to write about next, when a response on another forum that I was reading late last night caught my eye.

The respondent had mentioned "the goal of the game".


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This Space For Rent ?

15 Dia 847, 11:05 Publicado em Belgium Belgium

No Reasonable Offers Refused ?

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