A Personal Appeal to Help save South Africa from the dangers of Open Citizenship

Day 849, 11:32 Published in Belgium Brazil by Rod Damon

Since we do not have a current training war open for people to fight in, and I saw that there is a resistance war going on to allow South Africa to regain its position on the map, I am making the following offer.

All Belgian Citizens who travel to Limpopo and fight RED will get a free Q1 weapon.


If you fight RED 5 times, I will give you 2 Q1 weapons and a Moving Ticket


This is an offer coming straight from my personal savings as a private citizen. I had hoped I could offer more, but my personal accounts are running low. This offer does not apply to any military forces who have been deployed for this resistance war (c’mon guys, I only have so much saved)

Why am I doing this? As many of you can recall, if a country is not on the map when it comes time for a Congressional Election, there will be no sitting Congress. If the country later comes back on the map, it will have open citizenship approval and will be subject to being the center of a PTO/ATO conflict, similar to what Belgium went through.

I am hoping that the people of South Africa can avoid what the people of Belgium went through and what the people of the Czech Republic are currently going through. Open citizenship can destroy a country as much as it could build a country. Since South Africa was just taken off the map, they have a government; they just need a region to govern.

I hope that the people of Belgium will help the people of South Africa. Please send me a pm to indicate that you have taken me up on my offer.