The Goal of the Game

Day 849, 08:04 Published in Belgium Brazil by Rod Damon

I was debating what topic to write about next, when a response on another forum that I was reading late last night caught my eye.

The respondent had mentioned "the goal of the game".

Now erep we know is not like a board game or a video game, where there is a pretty straightforward goal given and then there is a clear winner and the game is over. So without a clear goal set by the nature of the game, we are left to define our goals individually. A lot of the ads for erep play upon that, be a president, a business leader, etc etc. The goals of the individual then shape the goals of the group that they belong to and in turn shape the country.

So I would like to hear from the people of eBelgium (AND ONLY THE PEOPLE OF eBELGIUM) and lets start to hear what your goals are in the game. Maybe once we have a clearer idea of everyone's goals, we can get busy in making sure we are working toward those goals.

I would especially love to hear from the "silent" Belgians. You know who you are, you log on, you click to work and train, buy some food, maybe fight.

I would ask that the "tactical Belgians" and foreign agents hold off on commenting.

This is an attempt to forge a dialogue between the active in Belgium press/forum types and the active but silent types.