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There are some things you don’t come back from. You either live with them, or you don’t.

Are You As Hard As Krems Right Now?

20 Dia 1,004, 14:55 Publicado em USA USA

Cuz he's pretty hard right now.

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Fionia, Queen of the Zombies

12 Dia 1,000, 01:45 Publicado em South Africa South Africa

Rise, Queen of the Zombies


Fionia ensnares ler mais »

The SunnyGyrl Interview: Back That A$$ Up!

16 Dia 970, 16:09 Publicado em USA USA


What you are about to see is hazardous to your health.

======================================== ==========================

The ler mais »

The Super Alliance: Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, and Spain

110 Dia 968, 20:27 Publicado em USA USA


United Fails of America, meet your future makers!

1. This alliance is a testament to the co-ler mais »

2 Clickers

37 Dia 958, 15:55 Publicado em USA USA

What about 2 clickers?

I have something I would like to sing about 2 Clickers and it goes like this...[/ler mais »