The SunnyGyrl Interview: Back That A$$ Up!

Day 970, 16:09 Published in USA USA by wookyjack

What you are about to see is hazardous to your health.

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The SunnyGyrl Interview:

Back That A$$ Up!


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GreekHoplite: Tell us about your eRep name, why you joined and a little about yourself in RL?

SunnyGyrl: Well I picked the name because I had no serious intention of ever really playing erepublik.
It was something I made up at the spur of the moment when my former co-worker Scrooge Mcduck asked me to join.
In real life I'm a woman seeking a career change to nursing and I am an avid buckeye fan.

GreekHoplite: Describe your transition from 2-clicking to becoming a well known citizen.

SunnyGyrl: Easy, the reason why I no longer two click rests solely with the APF militia.
it was through the militia that I was able to become more involved in the erepublik community and also more interested in the game.
Stormin I think pushed all of us in the milita to be better. A lot of future leaders came up through the APF militia.
I don't know how much of a well known citizen I am but thanks for saying it.

GreekHoplite: Why the American Progressive Front Militia (APF)?

SunnyGyrl: My party the uswp had just merged with others in to the APF so when I saw the ads for the militia I was down to join, plus they had free guns.

GreekHoplite: What were your favorite times in the APF Militia?

SunnyGyrl: Ah there are many to even count. Needless to say a couple of us are still close still .
You, Marxus, Dan, S-Mac, Ian, Horst, Revolgod and Jackson are my boys still to this day.

GreekHoplite: What jobs did you hold while affiliated with the party?

SunnyGyrl: I was a mass messenger in communications, and Director of R&R.

GreekHoplite: What is S&M? What does S&M REALLY mean? 🙂

Greeky you know that stands for sugar and mints.

GreekHoplite: Haha, inorite?

GreekHoplite: Post-Party President (PP) elections, after Jude Connors took the helm, describe your feelings and thoughts.

SunnyGyrl: Feelings, thoughts? I have none. I left the party at server reset time, so I have no experience with him at the helm.

GreekHoplite: What did you do after those elections?

SunnyGyrl: I took time to reflect on what I wanted to do in the game. I basically just chilled until I joined S.E.E.S.
BTW thanks, for telling me how great they were it really played a part in my decision.

GreekHoplite: I told you they were not ALL that bad 🙂

GreekHoplite: Will you run for Kongress this July 25th? If yes, then why?

SunnyGyrl: Probably not, I'm more busy than I was when I ran last month. So I don't think I have the time.
ofc I'm going to be a blocker as everyone reading this should be to help out the country.

GreekHoplite: Maybe you'll just end up winning? \o/ \o/ \o/

SunnyGyrl: lol I hope not.

GreekHoplite: 2 more questions.

SunnyGyrl: Shoot.

GreekHoplite: Do you still love me?

SunnyGyrl: lol of course I do why would you ask? The infection did wonders for our relationship

GreekHoplite: cuz there is an S&M convention at the new hospital in Washington
GreekHoplite: haha

SunnyGyrl: rofl

GreekHoplite: The last time I asked this question, I was interviewing Civil Anarchy during his candidacy for President of the United States (POTUS)...Random,
absurd question! Your mother, your lover and Emerick: You have to screw one, kill one and marry one! GOGOGOGOGOGO!

SunnyGyrl: Screw Emerick(who wouldn't) Kill my mother(she has it coming) and marry my lover(then dump him for St. Krems)

GreekHoplite: Awesome. Now for some S&M *turns off lights*

SunnyGyrl: lol awesomeness