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There are some things you don’t come back from. You either live with them, or you don’t.

I'm in Khangress...doin' flips and sh@%!!!!

12 Dia 954, 20:16 Publicado em USA USA

I'M ON A BOAT, @$!*#!!

Hello Amurica,

My name is GreekHoplite and I represent the state of Colorado for the 31st Khangress.[/
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The Many Faces of Ostin

23 Dia 953, 12:21 Publicado em USA USA


- a symptom of reduced quality or strength
- process of changing to an inferior state
- The process of growing worse, or the state of having grown worse
- degenerate

Exhibit A
[ … ler mais »

eRepublik v2 'Cures Insomnia!'

52 Dia 952, 13:00 Publicado em USA USA

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GreekHoplite, are you still there?

[img][/img] … ler mais »

The Spanish Conquest of Mexico v2.0

18 Dia 946, 11:26 Publicado em USA USA

The Spanish Conquest of Mexico

In the 16th century we witnessed the Spanish invasion of Mexico. While the Spanish came to the New World ler mais »

It Is Time To Infect Congress

18 Dia 945, 00:35 Publicado em USA USA

Let the bodies hit the floor...

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